Chapter 5

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Bree couldn't believe it. She was here. She really was here. In the land of stories.

Conner sighed. "Well this is 'home'" he told her making quotation marks.

"It's in such a grave state. I know you think it's not much, but it's all what's left." Alex said, with a sad expression on her face.

Bree took a deep breath. "Okay, so what do we do now?"

"Well," replied Conner, as he turned around and began walking away from the balcony, and heading down the stairs with Bree and Alex following him. "We need to get back to the cave, and join up our forces, with the people we have left in this world. Then we go into my stories, and form our own army. Finally, we attack and find the royals, and Emmerich, and then win back the fairy tale world."

Bree, Alex and Conner were now exiting the palace, and began walking north, towards the direction of the cave.

Alex suddenly gasped causing Bree and Conner to whip around. Conner had he sword out and Bree went to her boot and whipped out her knife. "What is it?!" Conner whisper/shouted.

Alex blushed. "Well, I just realized that we didn't tell Goldielocks where we were going and a month might of passed, so in other words if we don't die by bad guys, or Lloyd's army, then we will die by Goldielocks wrath. And it ain't that hard to get mad when your pregnant."

Bree felt her mouth go dry. "Oh crap."

Conner gulped and then noticed Bree with her knife. "Hey Bree, where did you get that?"

"Oh! Long story short, my grandma is a Grimm and I visited her sisters, to find information, and so when I left they gave me this outfit. With the knife."

He nodded. "Cool."

Alex broke up there conversation. "Let's get a move on people! Weapons out, just in case!" They walked the next few hours in silence.

Finally they reached the cave. Conner knocked on the side. The voices inside fell silent. "Hello? Conner Bailey here! With the fairy godmother! And a friend!"

Alex glared at her brother. "Did you have to say who we are? Those could be Lloyds people!"

He shrugged his shoulders. "Sorry."

Someone peeked out of the cave. It was Goldielocks.

"Alex! Conner! We have been so worried about you! Where have you exactly been for the past 2 days?"

"2 days?!" Shouted Bree, Conner and Alex.

Goldielocks frowned. "Yes 2 days. Come in and you can explain to everyone."

They all walked inside and everyone that wasn't dead, or captured was right there. "Hi." Conner said nervously.

"Wait I'm so confused." Bree suddenly said. "How is it, that in are time you guys were stuck in the portal for two weeks, but here, you were only stuck in it for 2 minutes?"

"I think we all want to know that." Alex replied, sighing.

"Wait, unless the masked man figured out to control time! There is a mythological that can control time! It's making this world the same, but the otherworld faster! Not by much, but he must be speeding it up everyday. If we don't hurry, world domination, will take over the otherworld and have it destroyed. This means we have to hurry in sake of both worlds!" Conner exclaimed.

"Okay. So what do we do now?" Jack asked.

"We go into the stories tomorrow. We rest right now. We need as much energy as we can." Conner told everyone.

"Okay then!" Jack said clapping his hands together. "So Conner, Bree do you guys want to take first watch? We would ourselves but we kind battled some of the masked mans men today and we need rest."

"It's alright. We'll take first watch." Conner said quickly.

"Great! So if there is danger, shout and when your done, wake up any two people." (AN: this section was more detailed, but it deleted and I was to lazy to re write it. Sorry!)

"Okay, thanks Jack." Conner said with a small smile. He and Bree then exited the cave.

Bree sat down outside on the green grass. This was the only place that wasn't destroyed into nothingness. Here Bree felt like she was in the Land of Stories.

Bree heard footsteps behind her and she turned around to see Conner walking towards her.

"Hey." He said.

"Hey." She replied with a smile.

"So how's life?"

Bree laughed. It felt good, to be with Conner. She felt safe. Something she wouldn't feel in a long time. "It's pretty good right now. I'm trying not to get killed, but that's something minor."

They both laughed then. "Wow, I'd never think I'd here Bree sarcastic, ever before." Conner said grinning.

Bree faked gasped and stood up. "Conner! I thought you were my friend!" She mocked in a fake hurt voice.

Conner stood up also. "I am your friend." He said. "Well I think so." He grinned evilly, causing Bree to laugh.

"Are you ever going to make things easy on me?" Conner asked.

Bree smiled. "I'm never going to make things easy on you, so get used to it." Bree leaned up and kissed him softly.

She pulled away after 3 seconds. Conner was speechless. "Wha-"

Bree rolled her eyes. "Just shut up and kiss me." And so he did.

Eeeeeekkkkkkkkkkkk!!!!!!!!!! FEELS! Sorry had to include that in the chapter. I hope you enjoyed it. I might add another one later today, cause I have feels..... See you later.

Land of Stories 5: The Final BattleWhere stories live. Discover now