Chapter 4:

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Everyone was in shock. Conner led a crying Alex to the back with Bree, Charlotte and Bob following them.

"Okay, what is going on here?" Charlotte cried when the door was securely shut.

"Okay," Conner started, "In a nutshell Grandmas dead, the fairytale is in prices, Froggy is stuck in a magic mirror, Alex is the most wanted person, the fairy council is turned to stone, and we have to recruit a literally army to defeat the masked man, who we thought was our dad but turned out to be our uncle." Ringing silence.

"Also Emmerich is kidnapped." Bree quickly said.

"Oh my gosh." Charlotte said quietly.

Conner felt like dying, but forced a smile. "Yeah, so do you have my stories mom?"

Charlotte shook her head, much to Conners dismay. "What who does then?"

Bree winced. "Conner, Mrs. Peters does. Charlotte gave them to her, for examples of good writers."

Conner huffed. "Great so we go and flippin ask her for my stories. Alright let's do this."

Alex had finally stopped crying. "You go Conner, I'm going to go home, and try to get contact with Goldielocks and that lot." Conner nodded, and Alex ran out the back door, Charlotte and Bob at there heels.

"So we just go out there?" Conner asked Bree."

She nodded. "Yep." Conner pushed open the door, back into the restaurant.

Everyone was back to regular. Bingo numbers were being called out, the China that Bree dropped was cleaned up. Her family and the book huggers had food, and we're eating happily. Conner and Bree scanned the restaurant. "Where's Mrs. Peters?" Bree asked.

"Dunno." Conner replied. "Hey Rosemary, have you seen Mrs. Peters?" Conner asked her, as she walked by.

"The woman that made poor Alex cry?" Rosemary asked.

"Yeah, where is she?"

"Oh you just missed her, she left about ten minutes again."

Conner cursed. "Dang Nabit. What do we do now?"

"Wait till Monday, you can come to school with me, and we'll ask her during lunch." Bree told him. Conner saw no other choice.

"Fine, but the guys at school can not know that I'm part fairy."

"Deal." They shook on it and left the grill.

Monday came, and Bree was a bit nervous. She woke up, and grabbed everything she needed to go to the Land of Stories, and shoved it into her school backpack. Then swung that over her shoulder and ran towards Conners house. He was standing on the pouch sweating with nervousness.

"Hey, is Alex coming?" Bree asked as she approached Conner.

"No, she's still trying to contact Goldielocks, and the lot." Conner replied.

"K." They began to walk to school, talking about random things. Soon the school was in view. Conners hand found Bree's and clutched it tightly.

Bree smiled. "Honestly Conner you can fight an army and your afraid to go to school?"

He turned to her and gave a lopsided, sheepish grin. "The army was easy. This is torture." Bree laughed.

They walked inside, and nobody noticed Conner, yet. "Conner?!" Someone yelled. Conner was tackled by three boys. Joe Smith, Christan Lopez and Andrew Jackson, his best friends.

Conner mustered a smile. "Hey guys."

"Where have you been?" Andrew demanded.

"Vermont." Conner replied without hesitation.

Land of Stories 5: The Final BattleOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant