Chapter 3:

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So I was feeling nice today...

Conner was in a bad mood. First he and Alex get stuck in the portal for two weeks, then they have no idea where they land. In a middle of a neighbor hood

Conner nearly got his sister killed, but he pulled Alex out of the way, just in time. "Come on, this place looks familiar." Conner told Alex.

Alex frowned. "Conner you really are stupid."


"This is our old neighbor hood, the one we lived in before dad died." Alex told Conner sadly.

Conner's throat felt dry. "Right."

Alex suddenly grinned. "I haven't seen this world in forever! Show me around! You said that Lady Iris opened a restaurant? Can you take me there? I'm famished!" Alex said this all so fast, Conner laughed.

"Sure Alex. It's called Storybook grill. A 20 minute walk from here."

"Okay!" Alex told him cheerfully. Conner rolled his eyes and led his skipping sister to Storybook grill.

-------LINE BREAK-------

Conner and Alex arrived in town about 20 minutes later. Neither of them were tired. "Okay. Here it is." Conner told Alex as he dragged her to Storybook grill.

They walked inside and were greeted by Rosemary. "Hi my name is Rosemary! How can I help you today." Out of the corner of his eye, Conner saw a pretty blonde girl, with two trays on both of her hands. Bree is hotter. His mind told him. Conner rolled his eyes and went back to imagining killing Lloyd.

Then there was a loud crash. The waitress, with the two trays and dropped both of them. Bits of China and food were everywhere. The whole grill was silent and turned to look at here.

He saw a man look all angry, and he recognized that man as Bree's father. He scanned his table. No Bree. Why would Bree's father get mad at a random waitress? Conner thought. Unless...

The girl opened her mouth to speak but Conner beat her to it. "Bree Campbelle." He said.

"Conner Baily." Bree replied, and the whole restaurant gasped.

Bree felt like she was going to pop. The love of her life was right there. She rushed forward and hugged him tightly. "Conner! Your here! Your actually here! Alex to!" She then hugged Alex, not really caring what other people thought.

"Alex? Conner?" Came a soft voice.

"Mom!" Both of the twins shouted and ran up and hugged there mother. Bree wipped the tears that were falling down her face. The tears of happiness.

Conner released himself from his mothers embrace and turned to look at Bree. "Hey, how's Emmerich doing?" Here it comes. Bree thought.

"Conner, there is something you should know." Bree hesitated before continuing. "Conner, Emmerich is gone." 

Silence fell. Everyone was probably thinking, who is Emmerich?

"What do you mean gone?" Conner asked quietly.

Conner was shocked when he heard that Emmerich was gone. Was he gone, or grandma gone? The twins still hadn't told their mother about their grandmothers death. Or Lloyd. It would be to much.

"What do you mean gone?" Conner asked quietly.

"I-" Bree struggled for the right words. "Can we talk about this is private?"

Conner shrugged. "Sure."

Everyone began talking at once, and the grill went back to its usual chatter. First visitor was Ms. Peters.

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