Chapter 10 Sorry Mate

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hey guys :) sorry for the long wait I've been busy but yeah this chapter is the bridge to somthing very..... surprising? heheh enjoy xx

Liams POV

How can Louis act so childish, he need to be the mature one and apologies to Harry. After all he is the one who over-reacted. How are these boys going to fix this. I laughed to myself thinking about how sometimes I act more mature than Louis, yet he's older. I continued driving towards a nearby market, I was going to pick up some things for Harry considering he hasn't left his bedroom in a week.

Once I enter the place I grab the things I think Harry needs to survive, and walk towards the check-out area. Than out of no where someone runs right into me causing all my things to scatter everywhere.

The guy quickly apologises, "Sorry mate, I'm in a hurry didn't mean to run into you." He starts helping me pick up my stuff.

I look up and see a tall guy smiling with short brown hair that was swept to the side. I haven't seen him around at school, and our town only had one HIgh School.

Out of curiostity I ask him, " No harm done, so I haven't seen you beforeare you new in town?"

He makes eye contact and smiles, all this kid did was smile.

"Yeah I just moved here a couple days ago from Doncaster." he replied.

" Not to be rude but you don't sound like your from Doncater, but that's cool oh and I know this guy named Louis who's from their but he moved here a couple years back."

He's smile faded away, I wonder what I said wrong.

"Oh I don't know anyone named Louis." he said very softly. There was an akward pause, than he smilied and continued to talk. " To answer your statement, I wasn't born in Doncaster, I'm from Hornsby AU."

"Intresting, well I need to go I have a friend waiting nice talking to you umm.." I didn't know his name, " What's you name?"

"Ashton Irwin."

"Nice meeting you Ashton, see you around."

I walked away payed for my things and headed back to Harry.


Louis POV

Since Liam left I have been sitting down on the floor still in shock. Harry Loves me? I don't know what to think. One moment he goes from my bully who beat me up everyday, than becoming friends, than we kissed, and became a thing. He can't possibly love me so quickly? We just started dating, I admit I did fancy him a lot but diffentally not love.... I hear my phone buzz from the kitchen. Maybe it's Harry asking for forgivness! As I look to see whos it from my heart drops.

Text from: Ashton

I'm back and don't try to hide cuz I'm going back to school with u ;) Did you miss me Lou?

Next Chapter your going to finally get to see how Harry feels about Louis.

I'm going to pin point some important things

* Louis does NOT love Harry*

*Ashton's creppish text*

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