Chapter 38

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Chapter 38

"Jesus! You were right! We should've done this before the baby was born!" Cheryl huffed as she flopped down onto the sofa. It had been 4 months since she had given birth to their baby girl, named Olivia and Cheryl had finally agreed, after serious conversations with Jacob and Daniel, to move in with Kimberley. They had both found it difficult to try and bring up Olivia from seperate houses and felt strong enough to live together. Their one year anniversary was fast approaching and they were both incredibly happy. Kimberley chuckled at Cheryl's pouting,

"It would've been just as hard then baby. At least it's all in now. Just need to organise you" she smiled, sitting next to Cheryl,

"Don't remind me! I was fitter then! And not this fat! I hadn't been ripped to shreds by our daughter when you suggested it!" Kimberley grimaced at the memory of Cheryl's labour. It was a very difficult labour and left Cheryl in need of lots of rest, painkillers and stitches. Strenuous exercise was out of the question for 3 months and she was only just starting to make an effort to regain her figure,

"Cheryl I wish you wouldn't call yourself fat"


"No I don't want you to apologise. I want you to believe me when I tell you you're stunning!"

"You have to say sleep with me" Cheryl giggled. Kimberley rolled her eyes,

"I mean it!"

"I know babe I'm only kidding. I'll just be much happier when I'm back to my normal weight ok?"

"Which is why I bought you a moving in present" Cheryl looked at her,

"Babe that's so sweet"

"It's nothing romantic've been on about it for months so I thought I'd treat you" she pointed over to the TV, watching Cheryl's face as it lit up,

"Babe you bought a Wii?"

"Yeah. And the dance games you've been on about. I thought it might help you get back to yourself" Cheryl smiled widely and threw her arms around Kimberley,

"Have I told you how much I love you?" Kimberley smiled,

"You might have mentioned it once or twice"

"I love you!"

"I love you too babe. Now since we're childless for the weekend, how about I take you out tonight?" Cherly smiled and kissed her,

"Sounds great baby. Do you think your mam will be ok?" Kimberley's mum had agreed to have all three kids from Friday until Sunday whilst they moved Cheryl in and got organised. It was the first time they had left Olivia with anyone else and Cheryl was apprehensive. Kimberley smiled and shook her head,

"I'll ring her in a bit and check up. She did bring up four kids though, I'm sure she's fine"

"I know. I'm just not used to the baby being away. It feels weird"

"It get's easier darlin. It took me 8 months to let Jacob out of my sight. The only reason I ended up doing was because I was too ill to look after him after my operation" Cheryl frowned,

"When did you have an op? I don't remember that"

"I didn't tell anyone at the time. It was when I took a break from drama after having Jacob. I didn't see the point in bringing it up afterwards"

"What kind of surgery was it?" Kimberley sighed. In truth the reason she had never told Cheryl was because she knew it would cause a lot of unnecessary worry. She was now internally kicking herself for slipping up,

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