Chapter 33

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Chapter 33

As the months passed, Kimberley and Cheryl worked at rebuilding their friendship. It was hard for both of them but now they had reached a point where they could be just friends. They sat in a cafe, chatting between themselves. Kimberley had noticed that Cheryl seemed very distant all of a sudden,
"Cheryl is something wrong?" She asked. Cheryl looked like a deer caught in headlights. She cleared her throat and looked away,
"Not wrong as such...I've met someone" Kimberley felt her heart drop. Of course she didn't expect Cheryl to stay single forever. Afterall, she was a beautiful girl. She had hoped secretly that they would reconcile though. She tried to push away her bad feelings for long enough to congratulate Cheryl,
"That's good...anyone I know?" She asked. Cheryl shook her head,
"I doubt it. His names Derek. He's american. I met him at work"
"Oh right. Well...congratulations. I have to go now. See you soon" Kimberley got up and left the cafe in a rush, not turning back to look at Cheryl. She got around to her car before realising that she had walked away without her bag,
"sh!t" she grumbled, hitting the roof of the car in the hope it would ease her frustrations,
"Not getting far without this are ya?" She jumped when she heard Cheryl's voice behind her. She turned around to see her stood holding her handbag, a slight smirk on her face,
"You owe me a coffee!" Cheryl stated, referring to the fact that Kimberley had left without paying,
"Sorry...I will give you the money. How much was it?" She fumbled in her bag looking for her purse,
"I don't want your money. You owe me a coffee. I know you were gonna walk out of there and call time on us being friends. Well now you can' have to have coffee with me!" Kimberley glanced up at Cheryl,
"Please don't do this"
"Kimba you promised we would always be friends"
"I know"
"I know it must be hard babe but we both need to move on...Derek is my way of trying that"
"I can stand the thought of someone else touching you...kissing you and holding you at night"
"Well you're gonna have to deal with it at some point"
"I don't. Just don't make me meet him and I will be fine" Cheryl sighed loudly,
"You know what Kimberley I'm sick of doing this with you. It's your fault that we broke up in the first place! I gave up so much for you. My job, my home, my family, most of my friends...I took on your kids without even batting and eyelid, took a punch in the face to protect them and yet you still couldn't give a baby any real thought. You said no straight away and that was that. So don't stand there telling me how hard this is for you because it was me that got my heart broken! I tried to give you everything you wanted and got *Duck* all in return. If you don't want to meet Derek, that's fine. I'm not hiding him away'll have to find your own way of avoiding him" she turned and started to walk away quickly,
"Cheryl wait!" Kimberley shouted after her. Cheryl ignored her and kept walking, "I'll have a baby with you" Kimberley whispered to herself, knowing that it was too late now.


"Sarah, Nicola, this is Derek" Cheryl smiled as they looked at her confused, "My boyfriend" she confirmed. Sarah laughed loudly,
"Boyfriend? I thought you were on the other ship" she said between laughter. Cheryl grabbed her arm and dragged her away, leaving a very confused Derek behind,
"He doesn't know about Kimberley. Please don't tell him!"
"What? Why the hell doesn't he know?"
"He doesn't need to!"
" had a relationship with a woman...lived with her, loved her...had sex with her. He has a right to know what he is letting himself in for"
"There's no point"
"At .east tell me she knows about him? She will be here's Nadine's birthday so nicely ok?" Cheryl nodded and moved back over to Derek,
"What was that all about?" He asked, wrapping an arm around her waist,
"Don't ask...she's off her head. Shall we get a drink?" They walked over to the bar, hand in hand, and Derek spoke to the barmaid. Cheryl's heart felt like it had stopped as she watched Kimberley enter the room. She looked stunning in a black, floorlength dress that hung to all of her curves and it was times like this that Cheryl felt herself falling more in love with her. She was snapped out of her trance by Derek thrusting a drink in front of her,
"Are you ok babe? You look like you've seen a ghost" she took a gulp of her wine and nodded a little too enthusiastically,
"I'm fine. Let's sit down" She walked over to some seats as far away from Kimberley as she could. Derek sat beside her, draping his arm on the back of her chair, causing her to tense up,
"Are you sure you're ok?" He asked. She nodded and turned to face him,
"Give us a kiss" she breathed, desperately trying to convince herself that she felt simething for him. Having them in the same room had made her realise how insignificant her feelings for Derek were compared to her feelings for Kimberley. He obliged, kissing her softly at first but soon deepening it as Cheryl took the lead,
"Mmm babe stop" he mumbled into her mouth, "You're getting me so turned on right now!" She winked at him, pulling him off his seat and out of the party. She lead him over to a little hut usually used by spectators at the sports club where the party was being held. Pushing him onto the bench, she straddled him and began to kiss him passionately they kissed like that for a while, hands roaming over each other. Cheryl could feel him getting hard beneath her so unzipped his trousers and put her hand inside. She smiled as she heard him groan and started to pull on his length. When she was sure he was turned on, she pulled it out of his pants. She lifted herself off him slightly to hitch up her dress and pull her panties to one side,
"Babe...I want you so bad but...i've not got a condom" Derek panted. Cheryl shook her head and kissed him deeply,
"I don't care!" She whispered as she lowered herself onto him. He let out a groan as he felt her moving up and down on him. Kimberley walked out of the party, the room was sweltering and she was now regretting her decision to wear a long dress. She walked over to the bowling green and leant on the railing. The silence was complete contrast to what was going on in her mind. It was broken as she heard a mans voice coming from the spectators hut. Edging slowly towards it, she tried to listen to what was being said. Something about condoms. 'Classy' she thought to herself. It was then that she heard his companion speak. She would recognise that voice anywhere. Her heart dropped as she heard her let out a slight moan. She edged closer to the hut, needing to see it to be sure. She peered around, her stomach churning. She watched as Cheryl had unprotected sex with this random man. She had to assume that it was Derek. She knew it was wrong, she should walk away but something was keeping her there. She couldn't stop watching. It didn't take long for him to come and she felt a slight bit of satisfaction at the fact that Cheryl hadn't. She knew exactly what Cheryl looked like when she hit her peak and that was not it. She turned around to leave but the movement caught Derek's attention,
"What the hell? Did you just watch us?" He asked angrily. Cheryl turned around, her eyes widening as she saw who he was talking to,
"Derek leave it" she whispered, not breaking eye contact with Kimberley, "I'm sorry" she whispered. Kimberley shook her head,
"Unprotected sex in a spectators hut...I didn't realise you were that desperate for a kid Cheryl! You disgust me...does he even know you?" Derek stood up,
"She's my girlfriend! Of course I know her!"
"Right so I suppose you know that she was my girlfriend until a few months ago. She lived with me but she wanted kids and I didn't so we broke up. And I suppose you know about her past hmm? And that she just faked that orgasm..." Derek looked bewildered as Cheryl put her head in her hands,
"Kimberley. Enough!" she said, not bothering to look up. Kimberley laughed a little. A laugh with no humour in it at all,
" don't know her at all do you. Funnily enough, neither do I anymore" with that she turned and walked away. Cheryl looked up, Derek was looking at her questioningly,
"I'm sorry" she mumbled before getting up and chasing Kimberley,
"Kimba! Come on...wait!" She shouted after her. Kimberley stopped and turned around,
"You weren't meant to see that"
"Well here's a tip for it for the bedroom next time!"
"I'm sorry"
"So you've said" They stood in silence for a while,
"You know what Cheryl" Kimberley burst out, breaking the silence, "I would be ok with you being with someone else if I didn't think that you were only doing it to get a baby"
"I'm not...I like Derek"
"You and Derek bring a whole new meaning to a gay relationship! He's as bent as a 9 pound note! And as for you...I think we both know you're not entirely straight don't we! Do you have any idea how ridiculous you look parading around with your gay boyfriend and fake smile?" Cheryl let out a slight chuckle,
"He is camp isn't he"
"Cheryl he has got more camp than a row of tents!"
"I know...I just hate being alone" she sighed. Kimberley looked her in the eye with a sad smile
"Chez you deserve someone that makes you go weak at the knee's! Someone who makes you feel good and treats you right. Someone that gives you butterflies and makes your heart beat faster when they walk in the room. Not some closet gay american guy!" Cheryl wiped a stray tear from her face,
"I already had my's all second best from there"
"Babe there's someone out there for you"
"Yeah I know. She's standing in front of me looking absolutely stunning! Kimberley I still love you so much it hurts" Kimberley sighed and pulled Cheryl into her arms,
"I love you too. More than you'll ever know" she whispered.

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