Chapter 32

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Chapter 32

"I think I might go back to work" Kimberley mentioned whilst the pair were washing up. It had been a week since their tiff over Nadine and they were finally getting along properly. Cheryl looked over at Kimberley,


"Yeah. I can't sit around here forever. I only left in the first place to get the boys used to not having Justin around. I'm sick of living off my divorce settlement" Cheryl nodded slowly and carried on with what she was doing. After a couple of minutes of silence, she looked up at Kimberley,

"Not that I don't want you to but...babe, you've not long since come out of catatonic shock. Are you sure it's wise?" Kimberley turned to face her,

"I have to start some time. If i start looking for something now, I will have at least 5 months before I start. Don't forget, I will only start in September. I miss working with kids...I think it's what I need to get back on track"

"Okay babe. As long as you feel ready, you know I will support you!" Kimberley smiled and pulled Cheryl into a hug,

"Thank you!" Cheryl placed a kiss on her neck and smiled,

"You don't have to thank's what I'm here for!" They pulled back from the hug and shared a sweet kiss. Cheryl smiled, running her hands through Kimberleys hair and down her arms softly,

"Before you do go do you fancy a weekend away?"

"Where to?" Kimberley asked curiously. Cheryl looked away,

"Well...I can't tell you. But you will love it. I thought we needed to take time out from real life to get used to us. I started arranging it before we went out last week. I was gonna cancel but your mam reckons we need it"

"My mother convinced you to take me away? Now that's a change of heart if ever there was one!"

"Yeah I know...she's really changed her tune! But I'm not complaining"

"Neither am I! So when were you thinking of?"

"Maybe in two weeks? As soon as we can really...all that stuff last weekend really hammered it home for me. I think we need time alone before it happens again. We need to rebuild ourselves" Kimberley nodded in agreement,

"We do. Before all of this, we had never argued!"

"Since all this we haven't stopped" Cheryl sighed. Kimberley looked over at her questioningly,

"Do you regret taking this further?" She asked, almost afraid of the answer. Cheryl frowned,

"Don't be daft! I love you! And if that isn't enough of a reason for me to not have turn me on so much that I think I would've spontaneously combusted if I didn't get you into bed!" She chuckled. Kimberley smiled and raised an eye brow,

"Oh really?"

"Mmhmm...when you pressed against us earlier to wash your hands...well lets just say, the washing up nearly got ditched!"

"Cheryl! I pressed against your back for all of 30 seconds!"

"See...I'm hooked! The feel of your body against me drives me crazy!" Cheryl flushed as she felt her body reacting to her thoughts. Kimberley noticed this and smiled at her,

"So if I just happened to walk over there and say...give you a would that make you feel?" She asked cheekily. Cheryl smirked and looked her straight in the eye,

"I can't answer that but I can guarantee it would make you feel like you were being fucked on the table!" She winked. Kimberley's mouth fell open as she moved towards Cheryl,

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