Chapter 37

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"Baby you look fine!" Kimberley sighed. Cheryl looked at her disbelievingly,

"Kimberley don't lie to me! I look anything but fine!"

"I'm not lying. You look gorgeous"

"I look fat!"

"You look pregnant"

"I'm not going! I look like an elephant" Kimberley rolled her eyes and brought a hand to her head to massage her temples,

"Cheryl, it's Nadine's birthday party, we can't miss it!"

"Go without me. Tell her I'm ill or something"

"I'm not lying to her"

"Fine tell her I just didn't feel like it!"

"Cheryl! Stop it. You are coming!" Cheryl shook her head and took off the dress she was wearing, turning her back to Kimberley and replacing it with her pyjama's,

"I'm not going. Go on your own. I'll see you when you get back" Kimberley groaned,

"Fine. I hope you've snapped out of this mood when I get back though otherwise I'm sleeping in the spare room!" She snapped and left the bedroom. Cheryl closed her eyes as she heard the door slam. This was the first time they had argued properly since they got back together. She couldn't help it though. She was now 5 months pregnant and her bump was getting big. She didn't feel like going anywhere anymore and her self esteem was at an all time low. She felt fat and ugly and no amount of reassurance from Kimberley could help her. She lay down on the bed and continued to feel sorry for herself in sience.


"Oi Oi Kimba. Where's the other half?" Sarah shouted across the room as Kimberley entered. Kimberley rolled her eyes and made her way over,

"Hormones. She's driving me mad. I swear to god, I don't remember being this bad when I was pregnant!" Sarah chuckled,

"Cheryl was overly emotional before she got up the duff...I can't say I'm surprised!"

"I just thought she would make the effort for Nadine that's all" she sighed. Sarah nodded in agreement and dragged Kimberley to the kitchen,

"Get a drink down ya babe. It'll make you feel better" Kimberley shook her head,

"Sarah you know I've stopped drinking until Cheryl is allowed to again" Sarah frowned,

"One won't hurt!"

"The way she is at the minute, it will if she finds out!" Sarah nodded,

"You're alright though aren't you? I are happy together?"

"Yeah of course! I'm just frustrated that's all. She's convinced that she's unattractive...nothing I do or say convinces her otherwise. That's why she wouldn't come tonight. She got ready and everything but then decided she looked fat and put her pj's on"

"Oh god. And she's only gonna get bigger! Good luck with that babe"

"Yeah thanks" she scanned the room looking for Nadine. When she eventually spotted her, she excused herself and made her way over,

"Happy Birthday Nads!"

"Thanks babe. Where's the pregnant one?"

"She errm...wasn't well" Nadine looked disappointed,

"She's having another fat day isn't she?" Kimberley nodded,

"Yeah...I couldn't get her to leave the house" Nadine sighed,

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