"Alright. I'm gonna go and ring her ok?"

"Ok but she is in an awful mood Nads so be gentle" Nadine nodded and headed off to her room. She came back with a smile and went straight to the front door to open it,

"You silly cow" she muttered, "You look stunning! As always"

"I think I upset Kimba. Has she said anything?"

"Just that you were in a mood so to tread carefully. What changed your mind then?"

"I didn't want to let you down and I can't hide away for the next 4 months" Nadine nodded and pulled her into a hug,

"Kimberley's in the kitchen" she said as they broke apart. Cheryl nodded and smiled, making her way to the kitchen. She spotted Kimberley straight away, stood in what looked to be a serious conversation with Nicola judging by the worried frown that adorned her face. She leant against the worktop and watched Kimberley carefully. It took a while but Kimberley eventually felt the eyes on her and looked up. She grinned as she saw Cheryl. They smiled at each other as Cheryl made her way over,

"Babe you look amazing" Kimberley gushed. Cheryl smiled nervously but didn't reply,

"I'm glad you decided to come" Kimberley smiled, placing a soft kiss on Cheryl's lips. Cheryl returned it and stroked Kimberley's cheek,

"I'm sorry for being difficult" she said quietly. Kimberley shook her head,

"Babe it's fine, I'm just worried about you"

"There's no need to be. I'm fine"

"Chez you're not fine. I've never seen you so down on yourself"

"It'll be ok"

"Cheryl when was the last time you let me see you naked?" Cheryl blushed,

"It's not been that long" Kimberley raised her eyebrows,

"Cheryl you either keep a t-shirt on during sex or make me turn the lights off. I haven't actually seen your bump yet"

"It's ugly. I have all these stretch marks and I'm getting fat. That's not something you need to see" Kimberley sighed,

"Babe you know I will still want you don't you?" Cheryl looked at the floor, "Cheryl I want you to listen to me now, I love you! I love everything about you. No amount of stretch marks could change that! You're beautiful baby and stretch marks are a natural part of being pregnant. I still have them! They're faded but definately there...they've never put you off have they?" Cheryl shook her head and looked up, tears threatening to spill,

"Let's go to your room" Kimberley whispered, pulling Cheryl through the apartment. She slid the lock on the door behind them and sat on the bed next to Cheryl,

"Babe what's going on?" She asked quietly,

"I just feel so ugly. I can't bare to look at myself, never mind let you look" Cheryl whispered, tears now making their way down her face. Kimberley put an arm around her and pulled her close,

"Cheryl you're beautiful"

"I don't feel beautiful. I'm scared that you'll freak out when you see what's underneath"

"There's only one way to find out" Kimberley mumbled, putting her hand on the back of Cheryl's dress and finding the zip,

"Kimba please don't make me show you" Cheryl pleaded. Kimberley sighed,

"Baby I'm not going to make you do anything you don't want to. I promise you that I won't freak out. I won't run away or be horrified or any of the other things you're convincing yourself that I will!" Cheryl nodded slightly,

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