I Hate You! Just Kidding...

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Author-chan: *Grell-style evil grin* HEHEEH! DIPPER! JUST DIPPER! GET YOUR BOOTY IN HERE!

Dipper: Why just me...?


Bill: Excuse a moi? *turns slightly red*

Author-chan: You heard me, Triangle. Your booty stays right here. *shuts the door on him*

Bill: WHAT?! *turns dark red*

Author-chan: Sorry! But this dare only involves them! *evil smirk* *turns to Dipper and the others* Now. Dipper. Your dare.

Dipper: Oh no...

Author-chan: *whispers to him and the others so Bill won't hear* For 25 minutes, Dipper has to pretend... Like he hates Bill.

Dipper: What?! I can't do that! Bill... He's like... *blushes* He...

Author-chan: I know... But it's just for 25 minutes. Besides, when he finds out its just a dare, he'll only go for @Thefangirlsfan and I! *smiles* NOW! GO AND HATE YOUR BOYFRIEND!

Tyrone: This should be fun... Right,

Will: *looks nervous* W-well... Bill i-is sensi-t-tive... H-he may not t-take this well...

1 minute later

Bill: So, What was your dare, Pine Tree?

Dipper: *grits his teeth* None of your business. *turns up nose at him*

Bill: *looks confused* Pine Tree?

Dipper: Don't call me that stupid nickname. *stomps away from him*

Bill: *looks confused and shocked* P-Pine Tree...?

10 minutes later

Bill: Hey... Dipper... You alright, kid?

Dipper: And why should I tell you? *scoffs and walks away*

Bill: *looks worried and hurt* Dipper...

5 minutes later
*everyone is watching t.v, with Dipper and Bill sitting on either sides of the couch*

Dipper: *thinks* Just 9 minutes left... Please don't hate me...

Bill: *thinks* Pine Tree... Why? Did I do something... Again?

Will: *thinks* You didn't do anything, little brother... Please don't be too hurt...

Bill: Dipper... You okay? Please, tell me...

Dipper: *looks away, nose upturned*

Bill: *looks down* *mumbles* Okay... I guess not... Well, can I get you anything...? Anything at all?

Dipper: No. *glares at Bill*

Bill: *looks back down* I'll leave you be, then...

Dipper: Tch. Should've done that a long time ago. *thinks* that was a little harsh... Maybe a little too harsh...

Bill: *looks like he's about to cry* I-I'll be in our room... *runs up to the attic*

Will: *looks at Tyrone* *whispers* C-can I go c-comfort him?

Tyrone: *smiles and ruffles Will's hair* That's my sweet little Blueberry.

Will: *blushes* *gets off Tyrone's lap and runs upstairs to where Bill is*

In the attic/Bill's room

Bill: *pacing back and forth, mumbling to himself*

Will: L-little brother? A-are you-

Bill: WHY?? WHY IS HE MAD AT ME?! IM CONFUSED AND I DON'T LIKE IT! *punches a hole in the wall*

Will: Calm d-down! I-I wasn't s-supposed to t-tell you... DIPPER IS PRETENDING TO HATE YOU B-BECAUSE OF A D-D-DARE!

Bill: What? *turns away from the wall* AUTHOR-CHAAAAANN!

Author-chan: Welp, I'm gonna leave the country now.

Will: T-t-t-too late! H-h-he's mad! R-real m-mad!

Author-chan: *gulp* *whispers to Thefangirlsfan* Run... Run while you can!

Bill: *standing in the doorway, his body dark red*

Author-chan: BEEP BEEP! *runs out the door*

Bill: AUTHOR-CHAAANN! *chases her*

Will: S-she's screwed...

Dipper: Yep!

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