Valentine Grinch

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The smell of strong perfume occupied our room throughout the day.

Today, the girls in Konoha High are so busy making themselves pretty. They'd better look at their best when they give their gifts and confess their feelings to their crushes. Meanwhile, the boys were also as excited as the girls.

The hallway was also decorated with an overflowing colors of pink and red.

Truly, the spirit of love is in the air today. But not for me.

I stared at the window to avoid seeing these people in love.

"Hinata, what do you have for Valentine's?" A pink-haired girl asked me.

I turned to her, "Nothing."

"You're such a boring person." Sakura rolled her eyes and walked away.

Glad she walked away. Her strong perfume is suffocating me. And how does being not in love make a person boring?

I stared back outside. I hate Valentine's Day.

This is the day which reminds me when Naruto-kun turned me down. From that day on, I promised myself that I won't ever fall in love with anyone ever again. I don't want to feel what I felt that day again.

Recess came and I went to the cafeteria to eatーalone. Seeing couples happily eating just makes me more lonely and quite irritated.

Go enjoy this day, love birds. You'll all go cry someday!

A group of boys sat on the table next to mine and as soon as they sit, a group of girls came to check on them on them.

Only one guy in our campus has tons of female followers and that is no other than Uchiha Sasuke.

I bowed while eating to hide my face. Naruto-kun is definitely with him. They're best friends.

The girls were like bees buzzing over them, like those boys are flowers.

"Eeeh. What about for me and Shikamaru?" I heard Naruto-kun speak.

"Oh, we're sorry we have nothing for you. But don't worry because Hinata right here will be confessing to you for the second time around. But we doubt you're gonna like it because nobody likes to be with a loser. Like who would dare to? Right?" The girls laughed.

"Hey, Hinata. You're confessing to Naruto again, right?" One of the girls leaned her arm on my table.

I replied with a smile but I was already killing these girls inside my head.

"Look she smiled! I bet she's really going to do it again!" They continued laughing.

"Hey, don't be so mean to Hinata-chan." Naruto-kun spoke.

"I'm fine." I smiled at him as I stood and walked away returning to my room.

I'm quite relieved that I'm not in the same class as these people, else, I have probably skipped school today..or forever.

Didn't he know he was the mean one? He even proudly said to his friends and to Sakura-san's group last year that he can't accept me because he was patiently waiting for Sakura-san to notice him. And eventually it spread fast over to more students like a disease.

Honestly, I have already accepted the fact that he will never love me and I had already moved on from that. But these girls really gets to my nerves! They love humiliating me, always slamming the fail confession on my face.

Somehow, I was able to get my thoughts out from what had happened earlier through focusing with our lesson. And this is what we are here forーto study. Not to look for a lover.

Valentine GrinchOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora