Chapter 1. Mistakes.

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Welcome to my new story! I hope you all love it as much as the last one!

"(Y/N), take those forms to the west wing command center." Your superior spoke with an icy tone. He dropped the forms on your small desk and walked past you.  For the past three months General Hux was working on the new base for the First Order. After Starkiller had been destroyed the remaining staff and members fled to a nearby planet that was already colonized. A small temporary base was quickly built and the First Order began its return from the ashes. You worked as the personal assistant for General Hux, a promotion given to you after the last assistant was left on Starkiller. You enjoyed your position. It had its challenges, but you got to see the entire base and it's workings. And of course, you got to see General Hux everyday.

To say you had a crush on him would be childish. It wasn't a crush. However, due to the stress of his job, the General had stopped shaving, leading him to grow out a nice ginger beard. His hair grew a bit longer and he was attractive, to say the least. He now had a habit of running his gloved hands through his hair in frustration as he worked. You would stare at him fondly and admire this action, only to turn away quickly if he noticed your glances.

You nodded quickly and walked to the east wing. You held the documents to your chest as you entered the area, left them there, and headed back to the Generals office. When you entered he looked at you and raised his eyebrows. You nodded to confirm the task was done and he made a relieved sound. His hand crept up and started shaking through his long red hair. You watched him as he did his usual routine of twisting the strands and shaking them out.

"You may retire for the night, (Y/N)." He said softly and you gathered your bag.

"Yes sir, are you sure you don't need anything before I leave?" You asked and he sighed.

"No, that'll be fine. I'm going to be up all night anyway." He grumbled something under his breath and you shrugged. You left and made the walk to your small quarters. You had a cot and a few shelves, and in a small room next to it you had a standing shower and a toilet. The First Order couldn't afford a base as grand as Starkiller yet, so you made do with the small accommodations. You changed your clothes and showered, then you decided to sleep for the night. Your mind drifted to Hux. He was such a hardworking man and you just wanted to relieve some of his stress for him. Unfortunately, he barely payed attention to you most days. You sighed and ignored your thoughts of Hux. You let sleep overtake you.


The next morning you entered Hux's office as usual. To your surprise the entire office was cluttered and an insane looking Hux stood in the middle. He had his com out and was angrily speaking into it.

"I sent you the files! Yes I did! Oh look here she is now- (Y/N) come here!" Startled, you walked over to him and saw up close his seething anger. "You delivered those reports to the West wing correct?" He asked and you nodded.

"I did sir." He slammed a fist against his head.

"Are. You. Sure." He said sternly. "That those went to the West wing?" You started to tell him yes again when you stopped.

Oh no. The West Wing?

"Oh my, sir, I am so very sorry! I took them to the east wing!" You apologized profusely and Hux slammed a hand onto his desk.

"FUCK!" He screamed and you jumped.

"I'm-I'm so s-sorry sir I-" You trembled and he looked up angrily at you.

"Those were orders to buy a special metal cheap from a retailer on a nearby planet. We needed that metal to construct our future base! Because he didn't get our orders he decided to sell them to someone else!" He growled in frustration and spoke a few things into his com. "(Y/N), You are no longer needed. I am relieving you of your position." He spoke darkly and you felt tears in your eyes.

"N-no please, I swear I w-wont mess up next time!" You whimpered and he glared at you.

"There won't be a next time." His eyes bore into yours and you started to cry. First Order employees didn't get fired. They were executed. Hux had essentially just sentenced you to death. You cried and cried and put your face into your hands. Then, without warning, you felt strong arms encase you and you heard Hux speak.

"No, don't cry. I'm apologize. Dammit." He cursed a few times and you dried your eyes. Hux was holding you. "Just. Don't mess up like that again." He said awkwardly and you nodded quickly.

"Yes sir, I promise!" You confirmed and you both became suddenly aware that his arms were still around you. Hux retreated quickly and brushed himself off a bit.

"Uh, yes alright. I do not need your services for the rest of today, you may go. But come back tomorrow, same time as always." Hux looked at the ground awkwardly and you walked out. As soon as the door slid close behind you, you heard loud cussing and something fall to the ground.

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