The Distance Between Us

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" 'yeah but its not a lie,' I told him.

There is no us, therefore I'm thinking about nothing. Unless you consider best friends a thing, which I don't, not in this case at least. "
- The distance between us

Sexual tension is literally everywhere in this book! but that makes things even better because whenever a romantic part appears, everyone just freaks out xD





All friendships are weird...right? With accidental thigh grabs, unintentional kisses, and late-night rooftop conversations, Alexis's friendship with Axel definitely takes the cake. But it wasn't always this way. They rekindled their friendship after a fight and it seemed as everything changed. Romantic feelings started to arise, followed by mixed signals. The friendship seemed to be heading in a different direction than planned and only time could tell whether or not there were two travelers on this journey.

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