What About Our Future?

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The loud sound of tires screeching against the paved road sounded in your ears as you embraced the little girl in an attempt to shield her from the threat. You waited for the immense pain that was about to be brought upon you but it never came.

Slowly, you opened your eyes to see the side of a warthog standing still, right in front of your face. You took a step back, breathing heavily, relieved that you and Sarah were okay.

"(Y/N)?" Someone suddenly spoke, a surprised tone carried out through their voice causing you to look up.

Grif looked down at you as well as the rest of the reds and blues. For some reason it sparked a bit of hope in you.

"Grif! Oh my gosh, I'm so glad to see you! What about Wash and Carolina?" You asked and all of a sudden Wash came out from behind the vehicle.

"Present! And sorry for almost running you over...the windshield wipers didn't work so the rain made it hard to see—"

"Wash!" You interrupted, running up to him and giving him a hug. "Thank the heavens you're here! What happened?! Where were you guys?!"

"Some jerkwad took us to some weird lab type thing. We weren't quite sure what it was...Epsilon couldn't do anything either. It's like he...it's like they hid the place so he couldn't get any readings or coordinates." Carolina suddenly appeared from behind the warthog with an answer. Her tone seeming as if she was still uneasy about it.

You let go of Wash and he added on to Carolina's story.

"Yeah...Scott's men were there and...well, (Y/N) I hate to tell you this but—"

"I know...I hate him. Oh gosh I should've listened Felix! He knew and—" You cut yourself off when the thought popped into your mind.

Felix was still up there. And that gun shot...

"(Y/N)? Are you okay?" Caboose asked and you looked at everyone.

"N-no, Felix–he's up there...no no no no no no no we have to hurry! C'mon!" You took hold of Wash's wrist and pulled him towards the building. The rest of the reds and blues followed as well as Sarah who was being held by Carolina this time.

You booked it to the stairs and up. Fear pulsing through your body. You all split up, searching the top floors. You and Wash got the roof so you made your way up, trying not to die from exhaustion.

There were a lot of stairs but you were determined...he had to be alive, he needed to be alive.

Felix's POV

I wasn't dead...yet. But I was close.

The adrenaline was starting to wear off and I could feel every wound, every drop of rain attempting to cleanse them. And Imma be honest here...it hurt...like real bad.

I dropped the gun I grabbed from Scott's body earlier. I thought it was weird how his buddies had silencers on their weapons and his weapon didn't...but uh...oh well.

I started feeling dizzy, to the point where I couldn't even stand, so I leaned my back against the ledge that prevented people from falling off. I sat there thinking about what I should do...pass out? Yeah that sounds good.

Slowly, I started to slip away and nothing but darkness started to take over my vision. But just as I was about to leave, I saw a familiar face, a beautiful one if I might add. It was her...It was (Y/N).

My motive, my purpose, my life.

Her...and that was it.


Sharp Souls: A Red vs Blue Fanfic [FelixxReader] Book #2Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя