Guns, Knives, and One Less Life

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"You're disgusting!" You shouted at him and all he did was smirk.

"Alrighty then...have it your way." He chuckled darkly and you gave him a look of confusion. That wasn't even answer...right?

He turned to Felix and gave him a good punch to the gut. You heard him mumble a curse word over Sarah's tiny cries.

"Stop." You commanded fiercely, fire in your glassy eyes.

"Or what?" He questioned but you didn't give him a direct answer.

"Why are you doing this?" You asked and he sighed.

"(Y/N)...I need that girl of yours...and if you don't want to hand her over then will you let me continue until you do?" He said casually as if him beating Felix to get Sarah was nothing.

"Why do you need her so—" You cut yourself off as you noticed his eyes. "Oh my"

You don't know why you didn't notice them earlier. Yes, they were a gorgeous blue color soon started to notice that a glowing blood red color slowly started to overcome his beautiful colored eyes. It spread through the color like veins, showing no mercy for the pretty blue color.

"You're sick..." You mumbled then noticed that Kyre and Kyra had the same condition. "everyone single one of you...huh?"

"You're smart (Y/N)...that little girl of yours is immune; she could be cure!...I know I'm sick! And I can slowly feel myself slipping away from reality! From my fucking sanity!!" Scott shouted and for a second he sounded like his old self for a bit. He slowly walked closer to you and continued. "I need that girl...I. Will. Not. Die like this."

"She's not enough for all your men." You gulped backing away a bit, pushing Sarah even more behind you to protect her.

"She's enough for me and my buddies. You think I care about the others?!" He laughed and turned back to Felix.

Scott twirled his knife, with obviously not as much skill as Felix would though. He found Felix's bullet wound that he had made for him earlier. He chuckled a bit before stabbing him in that same spot, making Felix cry out in pain. Scott twisted the knife causing excruciating pain.

He took another one of his knives and managed to make a few more deep cuts on him. You could tell he was trying not to show that he was in pain by hiding his screams with curse words. Plus, Felix wasn't the kind who liked to show weakness.

"Stop it!" You yelled with tears threatening to fall at any second.

"Are you ready to give me what I want now?" Scott questioned trying to sound sweet but it came out sick.

"(Y/N)...don't...please..." Felix managed to say in between deep breaths.

"Shut up!" Scott roared back at him and punched his side causing Kyre and Kyra to let go of injured Felix, letting him fall to the ground with his hand clutching his side.

"I..." You couldn't find the right words. There was no way you were giving up Sarah but there was also not a chance that you'd let Felix continue to suffer.

"(Y/N)..." You heard Felix say as you look over to him assuming he's clutching his side. Then you notice that he's not exactly clutching his side but instead his knife, slightly taking it out so you could see the slight glare the blade gave off. You could tell he was trying his best to smirk and you tried not to let a smile through.

"You can end all this (Y/N),...if you just give me what I want!"

You glared at Scott and his words as the smirk you, too, were holding shone through. He gave you a confused look as you watched Felix silently take out Kyre and Kyra by slicing Kyre's neck and stabbing Kyra's gut. Scott didn't seem to notice so you simply rose an eyebrow in Felix's direction.

Sharp Souls: A Red vs Blue Fanfic [FelixxReader] Book #2Where stories live. Discover now