Chapter 8- Too Close

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"You look petrified." Bianca mused. Clarke said nothing, staring at his shoes. "The angsty brooding look suits you. You should really do it more often." She said with a grin. "I wasn't expecting all that... Fuss. Reminds me of... My job before."
Bianca's eyebrow quirked. Yes, she could see how that would be the case. Flashing lights, bright colours, posing for the cameras. He was undoubtedly a natural at it- something she was unsurprised by. Of course, she couldn't say that she googled Alex's name and stalked her Wikipedia page so instead she gave a small smile and nodded. "Care to tell me about it?"
Clarke huffed. "Maybe later. It's a long story."
"How long? I've got time." She said with a charming smile. "No you haven't. You're old- you're gonna die soon."
Bianca laughed and playfully hit his arm. "Oh, I walked into that. Shut up and sit down, yeah?"
She motioned to one of the many rows of red plush seats in front of them. They sat down besides each other, their elbows touching slightly. The small patch of warm skin against Clarke's arm made him smile slightly. It wasn't long before everyone was inside.
A queen with a green wig, backcombed to ridiculous lengths said the standard greetings and said a few corny jokes that mostly reminded Clarke of how awful American humour generally was. His ears perked up when they mentioned "...Del Rio!" Bianca stood up from her seat and it barely occurred to him to move out of the way. "Well, who the fuck else was gonna win it?!" She laughed. "No, but really, thank you. I always tried my hardest and everything I do, and I love getting that recognised. Well done to those who were nominated but ha! I guess I'm better than you!" This earned a few chuckles. Clarke didn't laugh. He was too transfixed by the scene before him. Biamca was a super star and everyone knew it. She was loved for being her. She was famous and glamorous. But, the more he thought about it, the more he thought of Roy. While Roy was definitely liked and respected, he wasn't the huge goliath personality with countless fans. He was just boring, wears-a-grey-t-shirt-everyday Roy. Clarke appreciated this. Bianca gave one last quip that Clarke didn't really take on board and saw her look out into the audience for a moment. Her contactless eyes bore into his. "I'd also like to dedicate this award- this 'most hardworking drag personality' to someone who really deserves it. Clarke Trojan, a British king who's just moved over here." She paused for a second. "I haven't known him for long but I count him amongst my closest friends and he means a hell of a lot to me." The two shared a smile and what might have been a tender moment has there not been about a thousand people in the same room. "Thank you." She said and unceremoniously walked off.

"Why did you dedicate the award to me?" She asked suddenly, pulling Roy's mind out of a particularly gripping scene in V for Vendetta. "Why not?"
"That's not a proper answer, douche."
"I meant what I said." He replied in an uncharacteristically quiet voice. Alex shifted a bit, her shoulder leaning into his and her eyes looking up at his. "Thank you."
His chocolate eyes flickered from the screen to meet her own. Green with small flecks of honey and blue stared up at him. His gaze traveled down her face, past her pointed nose and small freckles and finally rested on her full, pale pink lips. They parted slightly and her tongue darted out for a split second to moisten her lips, as if she knew he was looking at her. He felt himself moving towards her face, his breath held and his heart hammering away in his chest. He had long given up trying to decide what his sexuality was, or at the very least, how he felt about Alex. That was, however, no explanation as to how his stomach felt as if it was full of butterflies and how his head was light and dizzy. He felt like a lovesick teenager. She could feel his breath on her lips, making them tingle. Just a little closer and she would feel his lips on hers. If she just moved a little-
"I love this scene!" He exclaimed suddenly, turning away from her. Alex narrowed her eyes. She knew he had never seen this before in his life. She let out a shaky huff and folded her arms, her eyes glued to the screen in front of her and not daring to wander to look at the beautiful tanned man besides him. That had been... Far too weird. She was moving out soon, this whole arrangement would come to an end and she would have to go back to her little isolated existence away from the glitz and glamour of Roy and Bianca. She swallowed hard. "Got any wine?"

Roy stared up at the ceiling, a frown marring his features. That was far too close. That whole situations could jeopardise his entire life.
Well, not entirely. But it would put how he felt about himself at risk, at least. He liked Alex as a friend... and possibly more. Oh, for fuck's sake, he was being so selfish! Just because his sexuality was going through some... Changes, doesn't mean that he shouldn't kiss Alex!
Of course, that's if she wanted to be kissed by him. And why should she? He was a (apparently) gay man in his 40's and he was rude, mean and certainly not attractive enough for Alex. She was young, pretty and kind: everything he wasn't.
Perhaps his idea to put a stop to whatever would have happened was for the best. He sighed and rolled onto his side, staring at the wall that unbeknownst to him, was concealing Alex who was staring right back. "Goodnight." She whispered aloud before curling up into a ball, letting the bed covers dwarf her.

A/N: I'm so late I know omg
Hopefully this like almost romantic scene was good enough? Also I did a drawing ages ago of violet and thought I'd show it off so there u go lol

Oh, the Irony (Bianca Del Rio/Roy Haylock x OC)Where stories live. Discover now