Chapter 4- Angry Lesbians Beating Eachother Up

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Roy was a bit bewildered, to say the least. Alex had turned up with two black bags full of everything she had left in the world. They weren't even very full. She hardly knew him and yet here she was, staying at his house in an unfamiliar city in an unfamiliar country with a few clothes and a burnt laptop disc drive. If he was Alex, he'd be fucking terrified. The girl seemed timid but not scared.
Roy admired that in her, the poor thing was... how old was she, again? She looked about 22, 23 and had the height of a twelve year old but she soldiered on. 23 year old Roy wasn't like that- 23 year old Roy was a confused, conflicted and inexperienced young man who would probably have a nervous break down if he was moved out of his city.
He suddenly felt incredibly old.
Walking to the kitchen, he made sure to be extra quiet as Alex was sleeping upstairs and the walls were thin. He turned on his coffee machine and began to think although his thoughts were mostly focused on Alex. Her personality comes across so different when she was in drag- although he supposed that was a character. He never got why people did that; he was always the same guy, just with some lashes and a wig so for people to act so differently was strange to him. Still, people do drag for different reasons. Alex was quiet and shy but Clarke was outgoing, flirtatious and loud. How he put up with Adore was completely beyond him. How the two were ever friends in the first place confused him also. Adore had some weird friends, some were tall, some were small, some were wide, some were narrow. Some were drag queens, some were drag kings but Roy didn't think they were ever this interesting. Not like Clarke. He stood there, or rather, she stood there, in a baggy t shirt and even baggier jeans. "I feel under dressed."
"I thought you'd be asleep." He said, pouring out his freshly made decaf coffee. "I was..." She sniffed delicately. "I couldn't sleep though. Do you mind if I grab something to eat?" Roy watched her move in the overly sized clothes she stood in, the fabric hanging from her slender frame. "Sure. I have like chips in that cupboard." Alex nodded and reached for it but failed, even while standing on her toes and straining herself to do so. Roy opened it a threw her a bag of generic potato chips. "Thanks. " She muttered, opening the packet. "They're called crisps in England, y'know." Roy didn't know why she mentioned this and neither did she apparently because Roy could see her visibly cringe after she said it. "Fries are called chips, right?" He decided to humour her and make it less awkward. She nodded. "I miss the British was of talking. I feel like I'm stuck in an episode of How I Met Your Mother over here." Roy smirked before finding himself in deep though rather quickly. "Why did you move here?"
" Money. " she said with a lazy smile. "I lived in a small, shitty town outside a big city in England. There was no way of making a living doing drag and no one... No one really got it over there. Over here, it's much more open to ideas. I can get gigs here."
"So if you could, you'd move back?"
"In a heartbeat." It was said just as quickly too. Roy started in New Orleans and lived there all his life up until Katrina. He had the option to move back but never really did- life was just so much simpler in New York. He missed his old job, though. Making dresses and costumes was something he thoroughly enjoyed and if he had the time, he'd probably go back to it.
"What did you do before?"
"Sorry?" She asked, her mouth full of potato chips. "What did you do as a job before?"
"I, uh..." She twirled a stand of her around her finger, something she did often, it seemed. "I was a model, actually." She almost sounded nauseous as she said it, making him frown. He didn't want to press the matter so he let it slide. He figured she wasn't always this depressing, just recent circumstances had rendered her a bit emotional. It was all understandable, really. "I'll, uh..." She smiled sheepishly and made eye contact with Roy, if only for a brief split second. "I'll got to sleep again, I think." She hesitated for a moment before speaking. "I know I've already said it but I want to say it again. Thank you for letting me stay here. You hardly know me, if at all, so it was very kind of you." The only words he could think of to respond with was "it's okay" but he decided against it, thinking it would diminish the sentiment. He just smiled as warmly as he could (which was still well below freezing temperature) and watched her slink up to bed, her baggy t shirt and dark hair hanging behind her.

Soon after, Roy left the kitchen and traveled up towards his room, trying his best to ignore the particularly creaky floorboards his apartment was unfortunately littered in. However, a foreign noise, not coming from him, nor from the floor was echoing. Roy listened intently for a moment before coming to the conclusion that the noises were actually quiet, restrained sobs coming from the wall next to his own. He felt his heart sink. Poor girl. Instinctively, he exited his bedroom and swiftly walked up to the guest bedroom's door and placed his hand on the handle. Realizing what he was doing, he stopped and quickly removed his hand, as if the handle were fire. What was he planning to do, exactly? Comfort her? He was shit at doing that and besides, how could he make it better? He couldn't just make all her things appear again. He wanted her to stop crying- for reasons unknown other than it disturbing his sleep. But, in fear of making it worse, he walked away.
As the night drew on, he ignored the noises, his chest feeling heavy and his brow furrowed. He couldn't sleep- not while she was crying. It eventually subsided, the sobs becoming little hiccups and then silence falling. Roy felt even worse at the realization that she cried herself to sleep just meters away. He should've done something- he could've tried at least. Dismissing these thoughts, he entered a sleep of his own.

The next morning wasn't the slow, tortuous morning he imagined it to be. Alex was later arriving down the stairs than he but she didn't seem sad or angry. "Hey!" She greeted, a smile on her face. Under eye bags were plaguing said face but she didn't seem to notice or mind. "Good Morning. Do you want toast?" He asked, trying his best to not appear surprised at her chipper attitude. "Sure." She sat down on a wooden chair diagonal from him, her feet swinging at a slow and steady pace.
"Good sleep?" She asked brightly. Roy cringed at the question. No, I had to listen to you cry your eyes out until like 9AM. "It was okay. You?" He cringed again. Thankfully, she seemed unfazed and shrugged. "Alright." Roy buttered the toast. "Hey, uh, I was wondering..." She began, her voice trailing off. "C-could I possibly borrow some of your makeup? All I've got is a bit of mascara smudged around my eyes. I have a gig tonight, you see..." Upon closer inspection, this was actually true. She looked too dainty and contoured to look natural to him. Although he was sure this was because he almost never interacted with biological women often. He wasn't used to pretty, attractive women.
"Don't worry- it's fine. I won a shit tonne of money one time, remember? I'm sure I could afford to give you some contour stuff."
She nodded. "I wish I could go on Drag Race. Landon Cider auditioned loads of times but they won't accept kings, I don't think."
"That's because it'd be full of angry lesbians beating each other up."


Roy and Alex found themselves watching TV- or rather Roy was watching TV while Alex was frantically calling about places to live or accommodation she could move into- all state funded, of course.
After a good forty minutes of being rejected, she hung up in a fit of rage and sat besides Roy with a scowl. "No luck?" He didn't know why he asked as he already knew the answer.
"No. They're fucking useless."
Roy nodded his head in agreement. "Hey, we can watch whatever you want. Will that cheer you up?" He sounded incredibly patronizing and it was almost as if he was talking to Lola although that wasn't his intention. "Sure, I guess." She shuffled about in her clothes, all borrowed from Roy and therefore hanging off of her. Roy was a slim man but Alex was a skinny runt so it gave the illusion of a toothpick wrapped in a blanket. "Anything specific?" He asked, scrolling through Netflix. Alex's face looked blank for a second before she let out a groan and threw her head back. "I'm literally doing Netflix and Chill with a gay man. Is this what my life has come to?" Roy laughed and playfully flicked her in the back of the head. "What do you want?"
"The Hobbit. But the second one because Lee Pace is there and I need something to swoon over."
"Alright. But Project Runway is going on straight after so I can watch Santino get his dreams crushed again."

A/N ------

I just changed my cover photo and it was so funny but it got cut off so you cant even read half of it actually kill me

but ya leave a comment or something idk

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