Every Girl Has Her Secrets (pirates of the caribbean fanfic)

Start from the beginning

"You're a thief, what's your name?" Norrington asked.

"None of your business," in anger, Norrington dragged me closer to the flames, so he could see my face.

"You're the woman who was caught with Jack!" He exclaimed.

"So what if I was," I snapped, my thoughts drifted to my treacherous capture a year ago.

*Flash back*

"Run Crystal, I'll draw them off!" Jack yelled as he stopped in front of the approaching soldiers, urging me on.

As the soldiers grew closer, Jack's confidence clearly began to leak away.

"Or maybe not. Crystal! Stop them!" He yelled again, and started following me. I sighed and turned around, sword raised. As the soldiers closed in, I noticed the absence of a certain, rogue pirate.

"Jack you idiot, come back!" I yelled as I spotted him running off, my well earned money in his hands. "That bastard," I muttered to myself, whilst facing about fifty soldiers.

They circled me, and I realized I was horrifically outnumbered, damn it. One of the soldiers managed to whip my sword out of my hand.

'Great, outnumbered and weaponless. How pathetic can I get?' I thought to myself.

As my arms were pinned behind my back, the soldiers commander came through to 'inspect me.'

"Well, well, well! What do we have here? A pirate?" The commander asked, sneering. I sneered back.

"What do I have here? A beheaded pig?" I replied rudely. The commander brought his hand around and it made contact with my check, ow.

"I am Norrington. And you, are a criminal. A pirate. Take her away." Norrington ordered.

As I was dragged away to the prison, only one thing was on my mind.

Jack Sparrow.

That cowardly, beheaded, hygienic pirate had left me to save his own skin.

And I wasn't going to forget it.

I was going to get revenge.

*End of Flash back*

"Well I believe you are. Do you deny it?" Norrington asked,

Dragging me out of my thoughts. When I didn't reply, he grabbed the shoulder of my corset and pulled it down, revealing a P shaped scar. I shivered at the memories that were awoken when he traced his finger along it.

"Pirate." He muttered triumphantly. I sighed and shrugged away from his grasp.

"What do you want, Norrington?"

"I've always admired your beauty. Wished to feel your skin on mine." Norrington whispered, stroking my hair.

"I repeat, what do you want?"

"A night," Norrington replied simply. I mentally gagged.

"I'm not a whore," I said quietly, after a second.

"Hmm, I guess you're right.... but what were you to Jack?"

"That's none of your business," I retorted shaking.

"It is.... but if I get my night, it no longer will be," Norrington said, smirking.

"What are you offering?" I asked cautiously.

"Freedom. A clean record. I'll get you a well paid job as the governors daughters maid, perhaps. All I'm asking is a night with you, in exchange for your background being forgotten."

"Sounds more like bribery than freedom," I answered coldly, Norrington shrugged.

"Oh well. I guess I'll go get the guards, I'm sure they'll have use for a pirate. I'll have the noose arranged..." he trailed off awaiting my reaction, I sighed and stared up into his eyes. They were dark, dangerous and filled with lust.

"Fine, I'll do it. But you'd better keep your promise," I gave in. Norrington grinned.

"I always keep my promises. Now where to begin, eh?"

"Why not at the start," I answered shaking.

"What a brilliant idea," he replied huskily, trailing kisses down my neck. I shivered, this was going to be a long night. But it was going to be worth it.....wasn't it?



There was the prologue!

I hope it was good!

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What ever tickles your fancy!

Bye bye little puppies!

Be good!



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