Every Girl Has Her Secrets (pirates of the caribbean fanfic)

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Hi everybody! (Hi doctor Nick!)

Soz my random thoughts here.


This is a Pirates of the Caribbean fanfic. I don't own any of these characters except for Crystal.

I wrote this book with Kai who uses our other username, Karanna32. We created this together so if you want to like fan me or something please also fan that username.

I really hope you enjoy this!

Please vote or comment!

(Please nothing harsh!)



EGHHS prologue

The sound of heavy foot fall on cobblestones rang throughout the city. Stopping behind a well, I paused to catch my breath.

"She went that way!" A voice sounding mate, rang throughout the city's square. I held my breath expectantly, they'd found me; and i wasn't in a position to run.

Instead, much to my surprise, the footsteps retreated and i was free. For now.

Leaving my hiding place, i found my feet carrying me near some very wealthy and extravagant looking house-or should i say mansion. Clutching the bundle in my arms to chest, i made my way through the lockless door of one of the houses.

It was dark.

That was the first thing i thought upon entering. After a few minutes of deadly silence, i had my second thought.

I'm free. They didn't catch me; and they never will.

That thought cost me my freedom for the first, yet not last, time.

As my eyes gradually grew accustomed to the dim lighting, they landed on a fireplace. Not the smartest idea, i know, but it seemed like an inescapeside option right now.

After coaxing a small, yet warm fire to light the room, i tore off my jacket and threw it across one of the luxurious chairs. Now left in my black and purple knee length corset, black leggings and dark green, knee high boots; i crouched in front of the flames.

Carefully i sat the treasured package I'd carried all the way here on the ground. Just as i was about to open it, something behind me clinked. In shock, i stood up and backed away from the fireplace; sword immediately out of its sheath and raised.

The feeling of a circular shape being pressed against the small of my back made me panic. The sound of a pistol being loaded made me hyperventilate.

"Why are you in my house? Who are you and what is in that package?" A strangely familiar voice drawled from behind me. Slowly, i turned around so that the pistol was now pointed at my stomach. I gasped at the figure who was standing in front of me.

He was dressed in a soldiers uniform, but his powdered wig was missing. I knew who this was. From his house (and apparent wealth) clothing and lazy, obnoxious tone to his voice.

"Norrington," i spat venomously. In reply, Norrington smiled evilly.

"What's in that package?" Norrington asked, nudging the bundle that was held loosely in my grip. When i didn't respond, he snatched it out of my hands.

Inside, he found a liar of bread, a chunk of cheese, some lettuce and a leg of cooked chicken. I laughed at the confused look that spread across his face.

"What, not what you were expecting? It's called food and you need it to stay alive. Did you thinking was some type of treasure?" I explained sarcastically.

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