Cliche Popular Girls

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I grabbed my alarm clock and threw it at the wall. That retchet thing would not keep me from getting the beauty sleep that I so badly needed.





I groaned getting out of bed and walked into my bathroom. I looked in the mirror and almost threw up at the sight that I saw. I looked at my shiny and beautiful black hair and I wrinkled my nose in disgust.

I looked down at my skinny, yet, curvy body and my stomach churned. I looked down feeling disgraced at my flat and toned stomach. I pinched my stomach, pulling a half of inch of skin fat off.

"God, look at you. You're so fat. You're ugly and flat-chested. No one would ever want you" I told the me I saw in the mirror.

Why won't anyone give me the attention I so badly crave?

Oh how rude am I? Let me introduce myself. Hi, my name is Maheshe Bonquiqui. I have long black hair with blond thick eyelashes.

I am 5'9 and am 15 years old. Since I am a teenager, I am automatically suppose to hate the whole world.

"Maheshe, it's breakfast time," my mother screeched from downstairs.

God her voice is so annoying. Why won't she just leave me alone? "Coming Mother," I sang happily. I went down the stairs, trying to stop the ringing my mother's putrid voice created.

I stopped in the kitchen. A sense of nausea washed over me as I saw my mother scarfing down a batch of pancakes, eggs and bacon. 

I looked at her curvy and model like body. She has really let herself go. "Aren't you going to eat something?" My mother asked in the middle of wolfing down two pancakes. 

I resisted the urge to gag and shook my head.

I ran out the door and hopped onto my motocycle. Oh didn't you hear? Congress just passed a law that said 15 year olds can drive motorcycles. Isn't that convenient?

I sped down the street and to school. Luckily for me, the police officer there didn't bother to give me a ticket for driving at 120 mph in a school zone.

I got off my motorcycle and walked into the school building. I immediately took notice of all the cliques. I looked at the blonde beautiful girl chatting with a group of her friends and hate built up in the middle of my stomach. She was beautiful and popular so I knew she had to be evil, the devil himself.

I walked past her, lightly brushing my shoulder against hers. 

Mid-way through the hallway, I heard her angelic and beautiful voice call out to me. God, can she shut up. Her voice sounds like a dying whale. 

"Hey, you dropped your schedule," she called out

The loud click-clacking of her heels grew louder and I picked up my pace. Who knew what evil her devilish soul held.

I felt a hand tap my shoulder and I turned around glaring at the blond in front of me. "Hey you dropped this," she said handing me my schedule. I snatched the paper out of her hand.

"You evil demon! How dare you touch my property!" I screamed at her. How dare she return the paper that I dropped? For all I know, she could have put a spell on that piece of paper. I closed my eyes and mumbled some scriptures in tongue trying to rid her of the cursed spirit she had inside of her, "Hashabalabbadaba, I hereby relinquish you back to the gates of hell in which you came from, evil spirit." 

She looked at me and smiled cheerily before saying, "wish you the best of luck around the school"

I turned away from her and sighed. "Why can't I be as pretty as her?" I mumbled to myself, walking to class. 

I entered the class and immediately saw a girl sitting by herself. I noted that she was an outcast and decided to sit next to her. She was my type of crowd.

I stood in front of her. Shaking my fist in the air, I announced, "by the power vested in me, I hereby announce you as my new best friend"

She looked at me and smiled. Judging from her naturally tanned skin I knew she was of Spanish decent. 

I sat down at the desk next to her. "Hi, my name is Maheshe Bonquiqui and you are?" I said to her in the nicest way I could muster. 

"Hola, my name is Maria Consuela Alexandria Alexia Isabella Valentina 

"Wow l-," I tried to speak but she cut me off.

"Cantalina Julliana Violeta Augustina"

"Well that's just my first name. My full name is Maria Consuela Alexandria Alexia Isabella Valentina Catalina Juliana Violeta Augustina Romina Rafaella Florencia Paola Fiorella Garcia" 

"Wow, I though-" I tried to speak again but she cut me off again. 

"But everyone just calls me Amanda," she finished with a smile. "I don't know why, though," she wondered to herself, deep in thought. 

She looked down at her desk muttering to herself.

We sat in silence before she finally spoke up. 

"You wanna know who my favorite singer is?" She perked up from her one-sided conversation.

"Do I have a choice?" I asked not really concerned about who she was going to pick.

"I'll tell you anyways. My favorite singer is Hennifer," she said not even caring about the last sentence I said.

"Hennifer?" I asked not knowing what the hell she was talking about.

"You know the famous singer, Hennifer Lopez"

"You mean Jennifer Lopez?" I asked skeptically

"Si si, Hennifer Lopez" 

"Jennifer Lopez," I corrected her, "say it with me Jen"

"Jen," she copied me

"Jennifer Lopez," I said, hoping she would get it right this time.

"Hennifer Lopez," she said, despite my efforts of trying to correct her. I face palmed and attempted to correct her again.

"Jen-ni-fer Lopez," I said separating the words.

"Jen-," she began and I did a mental high five, at least we were getting somewhere. "Hennifer Lopez," she finished. I groaned and kept myself from hitting her upside the head.

"It's Jennifer. JENNIFER Lopez," I practically screamed at her.

"Jes, jes, that's what I said Hennifer Lopez," she said calmly, while me on the other hand, was boiling with rage. 

"You mean yes, not jes," I said, but immediately regretted it.

"Wait nevermind," I told her not wanting to give myself a migraine from trying to explain it to her.

The class was busy chattering away. They immediately quiet down once the teacher came in.

And when I say he was hot. I mean he was hot, with a capital H-O-T!

Check out "Solum" by @TrulyNaija I promise you won't regret it :)  

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