She found a lump being formed in her throat when her dad took her in a big hug. And in his arms was where Anna found out that, this is what love feels like. Her heart started beating at a normal pace again and it felt like she could breathe. Finally.

"I am really sorry dad." She mumbled as she hugged him tighter. She hadn't shut him out for just one week, she had shut him out for the whole nine months when her priority had become them.

"It's no problem baby. I am just glad you are picking yourself up." He said and a tear finally trickled out of her eye. She wiped it off before anyone could notice.

This wasn't the time of tears. This was the time of getting her life together. They broke the hug and found Anna's mother looking at them with a small smile on her face.

She cleared her throat and said "You guys almost done? We need to leave you know."

Anna nodded and grabbed her phone trudging out of the house behind her parents. Family is what is most important in life after all, right?


"Congratulations" everyone cheered as the newly engaged couple entered the backyard which was now decorated to become a makeshift party place.

Samuel Johnson, was Anna's first cousin and even though they had a three year age gap in between them, it still didn't stop them from being best friends.

Anna remembered spending almost all her childhood playing and getting in trouble with Sam. However,after Sam went to NYU, even Sam's parents had to move up to NYC since their business had struck gold overnight and that left Anna alone in Brownwood.

After meeting a few family members, she went to congratulate Sam and her fiance and the minute Sam saw her, he gave her a tight hug and planted a small kiss on her head. That was his way of showing his love.

"Congratulations big brother. Didn't think you had it in you." Anna teased him as she noticed her new sister-in-law. She was really pretty with long straight brunette hair and big brown eyes. Her cheekbones were high and she had minimum makeup on her face. Anna immediately liked her.

"Well honestly, I didn't think I had it in me as well. Sierra was the one who had to come up to me first and ask me out because I was just taking too long." Sam admitted and blushed a little while Sierra just giggled and put her arms around him.

"And I don't regret it even a bit." She said and kissed his cheek. Anna aww-ed in her head and made a mental note of looking for a love like this. Pure and unconditional.

"It's great to finally meet you Anna. Sam talks so much about you. I first thought he had a crush on you before he cleared that you guys are actually cousins."

I laughed out loud. That was so much like Sam. People had doubts about them dating, even when they were in high school. She vaguely remembered a rumour about them hooking up secretly because of their families. Ah, the creativity of the jobless minds!

Sierra then excused herself to greet a few guests while Anna and Sam catched up on the lost time.

"What's up with your outfit though?" Sam asked suddenly as Anna sipped on her drink.

"What? It doesn't look good?"

"No. You look really good. I am just wondering how Aunt Kyla let you come here wearing this." Sam smiled knowing all too well about her mother's obsession with 'showing her off' to others.

"Let's just say I made a deal which she couldn't refuse." Anna smirked.

Sam just laughed. "You're still the same boo. I really miss you."

The Bad Boy Is Good.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora