When someone is injured, they are normally given a brace, a wheelchair, or.... crutches.

That's it! I've seen it in movies all the time. We'll make Alix a pair of crutches.

"Don't go anywhere." I say, leveling him with a stern stare.

"I have no place to go, Princess." He replies with a little laugh.

His words hit me hard, and I try my best not to flinch. He'd said those words to me when I asked him to let me go.

You have no place to go, he'd said.  I do now.

Tensing my muscles, I spin around on my foot and head off into the woods. It doesn't take me very long to find two long sticks that look about Alix's height.

I work quickly, marveling at how my slender fingers slowly craft together some makeshift crutches. I'm so bent on seeing my parents again, that this probably isn't actually my skill at play, it's adrenaline. Chemistry has always been my strong suit, not engineering. It's kind of funny how fast things change.

After giving them a test run - I use Bayley's all the time because she always gets hurt - and I can guarantee they will be able to hold Alix, I'm walking back to camp. He's right where I left him, but Liz is kneeling by his side now, checking his bandages for any signs of swelling. But, she's done a good job and it hasn't gotten any worse. Maybe she'd be interested in being a doctor someday when this is over and done with.

"What are those?" Alix asks, his tone curious and amused at the same time, causing Liz to look up from her work for a moment. She sends a small smile my way before looking back down to finish the task at hand.

"They're crutches. Can't you tell?"

He just looks confused.

"With all of these supplies, Liz and I can't carry you. Instead, you can use these."

All I get is a blank stare.

"How do I... use them?" He asks, tilting his head sideways at me.

"You've never seen crutches?" Liz asks, and I'm sure my face mirrors her confusion. He's never seen crutches before?

"No. What kind of inventor came up with the name crutches? Did he take the name crotch and add chess? Or was it a she? I don't understand."

Liz snorts, but I just gape at him in confusion.

"They're... you know... things people use to help them walk." I demonstrate, sliding the tops of them under my armpits and lifting one of my legs up as if one of them was injured. Making sure not to fall, - Alix is taller than me by a couple inches, so it's difficult - I hobble around the outskirts of camp. When I stop, I look at him. "You see? Not that difficult. It might be fun even."

To my surprise, he bursts into laughter. His laugh knocks him off balance, but he catches himself. Liz slips with the bandage and she glares up at him, but he hardly notices.

"Those are the weirdest things I've ever seen." He says through his laughter.

Oh. At first, I thought he was going to tell me that he actually did know what they were, he was just messing with me. But I should know by now that Alix isn't predictable. That's just how thieves are.

"Yeah, well, have fun." I say, patiently waiting until Liz finishes up his bandages before handing him the makeshift helpers. "I must warn you though. Every handicapped person who uses these thinks they're fun at first, until they're sore for days."

"Hey, I'm not handicapped. I prefer to call it lazy."

A breath escapes from between my lips. "I don't care what you call it. I'm just saying."

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