Chapter 32: Allies and Enemies

Start from the beginning

"Erika?" Astrid asked herself, squinting her eyes to get a better visual of the woman down below. "It is you." She mumbled, leaning forward excitedly.

Erika's fur-lined green cape swept the ground as she strutted proudly down the pier with Igor at her side. Her face was stern, while her her posture was erect. Astrid watched her closely as Erika stopped on the shore, rounding her men together.

"But why are you here?" Astrid whispered, looking around confused. She tilted her head to the side, powdering on the questions. "No," she mumbled, bouncing hastily. "No!" She yelled, running back inside. She shook the locked chamber door, only to find herself with no way out. "Camilla!" She shouted, banging her fist hard against the wood.

No one replied. No one appeared. Astrid was alone.

She peered out of the small window into the empty hall, desperately waiting for an exit. Her heart sank as she propped her head against the wood, realizing nobody was coming. It was then she noticed a long bundle of rope in the corner of the room hidden behind several trunks. She took the thick rope and returned to the balcony, where she tied a sturdy knot around the railing. Hesitantly, she climbed over the edge, and began inching down the thick rope until she was close enough to the ground that she could jump.

Astrid quickly made her way back into the castle, searching frantically for Deman. She heard his voice from inside the feasting hall where the reserve of soldiers were lined up and discussing the battle strategies for when a battle occurred.

"Deman," Astrid spoke boldly, entering into the loud, cramped room. "May I speak with you?"

He glared at her, placing his cup down. "What do you need?" He asked, approaching her. "I thought you were locked inside the chamber?"

Astrid nervously tugged at the sleeves of her dress. "I was, but I had to tell you something important." She rushed to his side, leaning close to his ear. "It is not the same men that came." She whispered. "It is a friend of mine and-"

"No." Deman snapped, pushing Astrid away. "You cannot trust anyone, Astrid. I do not care if they appear to be your friend. Friends will betray you." He laid his hand lightly upon her shoulder. "For all we know he could want to kill you now."

"She." Astrid corrected, pushing his hand from her shoulder. "The person is a she and Her name is Erika! If it was not for her I would not be alive!" She paused, glaring back at Deman. "She saved my life."

Deman nodded, stepping back to his throne. "How?"

"When I was on the brink of death after Bard tried to kill me, she saved me and put me in a boat. That is how I ended up here!" Astrid informed Deman, turning to face the crowd. "She is not like the others. All she wanted was to be left alone, just like I do." She paused, glancing back at Deman. "Give her a chance before you make plans to attack them."

"Alright." Deman agreed, standing beside her. "We will travel to the water and talk with them." He took Astrid by the arm, leading her down the center aisle. "Come along, my dear."

Deman pulled Astrid to the stables, where he released her forcefully. "I hate to be rough with you, my dear, but I cannot let you put my kingdom at risk." He scolded boldly. "You must stop pretending as if you know everything and accept the fact I am king. I make the rules for everyone." He stared sternly at Astrid, shaking his head. "I do care for you, but sometimes you are very difficult."

Astrid hung her head in shame. She meekly folded her arms across her chest, attempting to hide her emotions. "Forgive me, Deman." She slowly glanced up at him. "I never meant-"

"I know." He smiled calmly, pulling Astrid into a hug. "You were just trying to help but with everything going on, I need to ask you to stop. There is nothing you can do." Deman placed a kiss on the top of her head.

They broke apart in silence. Deman helped Astrid into a small wagon and harnessed his white stallion to the front. In minutes, they were making their way toward the strangers, who were trespassing on their land. Astrid felt the knot in her stomach tighten as they neared the Viking camp. The cold eyes of the Northmen pierced them as they moved closer toward them. Erika followed stiffly behind Igor and another man as they approached Astrid and Deman, who now stood before them.

Erika let out a deep breath and covered her gaping mouth once she spotted Astrid. She approached them silently, studying Astrid closely.

"I figured you were dead." Erika finally spoke, resting her hand on Astrid's cheek. "I am glad to see you are alive and," she paused, smiling graciously. "well." Erika's eyes met with Deman. "Who is this man?"

"This is my husband, King Deman." Astrid stated, flashing a grateful smile to Erika then to Igor. "I want to give you my many thanks for saving my life." She nodded to them graciously. Deman remained in a daze.

"You did yourself good." Erika nodded, bowing graciously to Deman. "So you are a queen now. I am honored to be in your presence." She bowed respectfully to Astrid. 

"I am still the same person." Astrid spoke, laying her hand upon Erika's shoulder. "However, I am a little confused to why exactly you are here and how you found me?"

Erika's face went straight as she stared intensely at Astrid. "A messenger came to Lundur bringing the news that Bard was going to attack your kingdom. I was slightly curious because I thought you would be dead," She shook her head. "not a ruler. But I got man to tell me your location. That is when I set sail with my group of soldiers and made it here. I think it was the fate of the gods that I found you."

Astrid glanced at her confused. "Your soldiers?"

"Yes, my soldiers. I am now the Earl of Lundur." Erika stated, taking Igor by the hand. "Just before father died from an illness, he and the counsel usurped Bard's power, granting it to me." She bowed once again. "I came to be an ally to you and your kingdom. I want to help you fight against Bard."

Deman stared at them confused as they spoke the foreign language of the North. He glanced at Astrid, who listened closely to what was being said.

"What are they saying, my dear?" Deman whispered in Astrid's ear.

"She is saying that the Northmen that were here before will be returning and she wants to be our ally."

Deman stared at Igor then at Erik, shaking his head in disapproval. "I do not trust them." He turned his back to them. "And I will not trust them. If the Northmen do return, we have our highly trained army to defend the kingdom; and if they come overthrow our army, they deserve to take this kingdom."

Astrid nodded, letting out a discouraged sigh. She felt a sense of nerves rise as she watched Deman rise back into the wagon.

"Erika," Astrid stated, bowing her head. "I am afraid my husband does not want you as an ally. He does not trust you and," she glanced up at the deflated couple. "I cannot change his mind. It does not matter if I want you to remain, Deman has made his decision."

Erika nodded without any expression upon her face. "Very well." She turned her face to Igor. "However," a long silence came over her. "We will wait beside the shorelines for when Bard arrives. It was my father's dying wish that Bard would be killed." Erika freely shared. "I made a promise I would see that happen, and I must see my promise fulfilled."

Astrid agreed. "I suppose you can stay as long as you remain by the shore." She looked at Deman, who sat eagerly in the wagon. Astrid pulled Erika into an embrace. "I hope this is not goodbye." She whispered into her ear, before pulling away.

Astrid pulled herself back up to Deman's side. She glanced down at Erika with a smile and nodded goodbye. Astrid watched Erika and Igor fade from her sight as they left the campsite. She hoped she was not wrong about Erika...

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