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*lukes  PoV*
I'm worried...
Is Kylie really hiding something, dark?
"I'm gonna go!" I quickly say.
I open Kylies door. She was writing!
"Hey. What you up to?" I ask, calmly. She jumps, she goes pale.
"Writing in the journal...i-i-ts private!" Stutters Kylie.
I walk over to her.
"Can I ask what you were doing when Michael came in?" I ask.
"Writing!" She replies.
"Why didn't you say that when he came up here?" I add
She tenses, a tear rolls down her cheek.
"I don't k..know! It's just that I know you better than h..him!" She lies.
I just smile.
"Can I look at this 'journal'?" I said.
Slowly, she hands me the journal. There's fear in her eyes.
"Is there anything in particular you would like me to read?" I cautioned incase I do read something accidentally. She points to a Page:
'All I know is everyone who gets to know me hurts me mentally and physically in some shape and form! I've been adopted 8 times now! I'm hurt and scared of the human race! I'm trapped in this world! Help me! I feel insecure, I'm not a normal thirteen year old'
Kylie being to fill with tears.
"I..I...want to be loved!" She cries, i sit on the floor and she sits on my lap, I held her tight. She flinches.
"You okay?" I state.
*kylies PoV*
I'm growing closer to Luke.
"Um no.." I anxiously reply.
Luke rolls up my sleeves to reveal sores of all sorts. I wimper. I'm ugly!
"Oh Kylie! Is there anything about your past you want to say?" concerns Luke.
I shake my head.if I tell him..he will take me to the doctor...I'm afraid of them!
I get off lukes lap.
"Don't tell a soul! They can find out themselves that you saw my horrid scars! Please! I beg you!" I plead. Luke sighs and smiles, weakly, feeling sorry.

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