Chapter 6

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Clary's POV
Just after I finished my breakfast from Taki's I decided I should head back home or my mom would be freaking out because I forgot to ring her all last night.... Oops

I promised Izzy that would call back to the institute in the afternoon to train together.

I walk up the steps to my new house, it's a two storey house with five bedrooms and I love it, it's the first proper family feeling place that I have ever lived in. It's also the first family I have ever had, because Valentine doesn't count. (A/N in this book Clary was raised as a shadowhunter, she still thought that her father was dead. All the Valentine things still happen and her mother still goes into a coma. Max is still alive though, because he is to cute not to be in this story)

Valentine Morgenstern is... Was a very powerful rouge shadowhunter he hated downworlders. For 15 yrs of my life, I thought my father was dead, killed in combat I was told. But no he was alive.

He tried to get out family back together. He tried to get Luke out of the  picture and have our family back together.

He kidnapped my mother and I and brought us to his house in Paris. Jace, Alec, Izzy and Simon saved us and brought us back to New York.

While I was there I discovered a lot about myself, apparently I have... Had a brother, Jonathan or  Sebastian as he goes by for some odd reason. He died with Valentine when Jace killed them in Idris at Lake Lyn.

I am snapped out of my thoughts by my mom calling my name and waving her hand across my face. "Clary are you ok?" She asked. "Oh yes sorry I was just daydreaming silly me" I half laughed, I have gotten good at this telling people I am fine when I am not. "We'll come on in, Luke is just gone to the shops to get some food for lunch."

I walk in through the door and make my way into the sitting room and sit on the couch. "So how was last night?" My mom asked. "It was great, we got to meet back up with Jace and Alec, and stuff. I am sorry I didn't call though it totally slipped my mind" I reply. "Honey it's fine, I rang Maryse and she said that you were gone to the Pandemonium it's ok I promise" she says with a smile, "Did the boys enjoy there time in Ireland?" My mom asks. "Yes they did, they really enjoyed it, Jace thought me some of the Irish language" I say the last part with a chuckle thinking back to the night before with a smile on my face.

Why was I smiling?

Why was I smiling about Jace?

Am I smiling about Jace? Oh by the angel I was smiling about Jace.

"I'm home" Luke calls from the front door. "And I got food for lunch"

I laugh, "yayyyy food" I shout back. My mom and I make by way into the kitchen. Mom and Luke start to prepare the food, while I set the table for lunch.

We sit down around the table and ate, it was times like this at I am really grateful for my mom and Luke.

We talked away while eating our Caesar salads with brown bread. Then my mom announced "Clary, Luke and I need to tell you something"

"Ammm...ok?" I ask. "Well you are seventeen now, and we have all moved on from the incidents that happened with Valentine two years ago and we are so proud....l" she started to ramble.

"Mom I am proud of you too, I am not trying to be rude but what is it that you wanted to tell me?" I ask. My mom turns to Luke and says "Do you want to tell her?" Luke nods.

"Well Clary, you mother and I have been talking and we think that you are old enough and mature enough now to move into the institute with the Lightwoods" he finishes and I swear my jaw is hitting the floor.

"You.. You're being serious aren't you? You are not playing with me are you?"

"No sweetie we are not joking with you" my mom replies with a smile. I jump up from my chair and run around the table and tackle Luke and mom into a bear hug. I am pretty sure I am crushing them, but I am crushing them with love.

"Thank you, Thank you, thank you" I say over and over again. I release them from the bear hug and sit back down.

"But we do have some rules of you are going to live there" my mom says looking me in the eye. "I am still your mother so I do want to know if you are going clubbing or going hunting or going to Idris and so on, so just keep me in the loop" I reply with a nod seems reasonable enough. "We also want you to call in a couple of times a week" I nod again, "anything else?" I ask. "No that's all I can think of at the moment, but don't worry I will think of more" I laugh at the last part of that sentence.

"Um so when do I move in?" I ask. "Well today if you want" she says. "Ok I will go pack now and text Izzy and let her know" I say and go to leave the room. "Clary she already knows" "are you serious?" I chuckle, how did she keep that from me? Humm

I run down the hall, and into my room and pack, three hours later I finally have packed up everything in my room. I have two suitcases and two boxes to bring to the institute. My mom helps me load up her car and she drives me to the institute. We carry all my stuff up to my room, my room is right beside Izzy's, because well why not?

We make our way to the library where we meet up with Maryse and Izzy. "Izzy how dare you keep this from me" I say pulling her into a hug, "I can't believe you are allowed stay here" Izzy squeals.

"Who is allowed stay here?" A familiar voice says. I turn around and see Jace and Alec standing in the doorway. "I am" I say beaming.

"Oh well then, welcome to my crib" Jace says opening his arms out wide.

I can't help but laugh, laugh, laugh and laugh a bit more. Even Izzy and Alec joined in.

I honestly couldn't wait to live here
A/N thank you for the views. I means so much to me.
Nicole x

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