Begin the torcher

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Katniss POV

I woke up in my cell again, my soon to be death bed. As far I know i'm the only one here, I can't see anyone else round me. I hear someone coming, it's Joanna. She's alive.

The peacekeepers through her into the cell opposite me (so we can watch each other suffer while the peacekeepers can have their fun and laugh as of as entertainment. Just like the hunger games) Once he leaves I smile slightly but still in terrible pain. She's unconscious, but I sat as close as possible waiting for her to wake up.

She looks terrible, she's battered and bruised. It looks like a bear had gotten to her, there are some sort of claw marks all over her body. I do feel sorry for her, but then I realised. This was going to be my fate to and I was scared out of my mind.

Joanna POV

I woke up with her staring at me. It was Katniss, they captured her like they did with me. I struggle to sit up when she says "Are you ok?" I replied with a bit of sarcasm in my tone "Nope, being torchered really isn't fun. How long have you been here? "I've been here since you got here, they took me when I was still the arena" I said after a little pause. "Wait, you've been here this whole time, I've never seen you here before today" "I was kept in a small cell down there. I think"

Before I can react to what was going on 2 peacekeepers marched in a grabbed Katniss. One of them was smiling, but the other was just too concentrated on sticking a needle in her arm. She fought but It was no use, she was out.

Katniss POV

I woke up with a griping sensation, I was forced down with metal clamps on a metal table. The one like the prep teams use for washing you down. My head and eyes were still blurry. When I got my vision back I saw President Snow practically right in my face. The more I encounter him the stronger that rose smell gets. So much went on a once, two people who looked like mad scientists/mad doctors came rushing in to my side. They made sure the straps were securely in place.

Needles were being brought out, before I knew it one of them stabbed me in the arm. One of the needles has entered my system, and they were beyond the limit of painful. A brown like substance was entering my veins. I felt like my head was going to explode. Just like that I feel like i'm slipping away into a long sleep.








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