Chapter 1: Dreams

Start from the beginning

*Lily's PoV*
The sun shined brightly in the beautiful blue sky as I was in the garden sitting at the fountain with my sister Seira. My time on this beautiful planet is coming to an end. 

I know that I will never find my soulmate. Men usually come to me for my status and appearance. They never see me for who I am. 

Lately I been having dreams of this man calling me, asking what my name is. But... I don't know who he is. His voice is so calming and it warms my heart. But that's always a game that men play with me but I won't fall for it. It's just a dream..

"You ok, Lily? You've been quiet for some time." Seira said worriedly.

"Oh! I'm fine! Just some things on my mind, that's all." I said.

"You always have things on your mind, Lily." She said, giggling.

"Seira, Lily! Breakfast is ready!" Our mother said, calling us from inside the mansion.

"Coming!" We both said, responding to her.

Seira and I then made our way to the dining room. Our parents and two brothers, Daisuke and Hiroki were already sitting at the table, waiting for us.

"It's about time you guys got here! I'm starving!" My older brother Daisuke said. I laughed.

"Well here we are!" Seira said. 

I'm really going to miss all of this, the happiness that we all share in this family. But, I have no control. I'm eventually going to have to say goodbye to them on the night of my 18th birthday.

"So what's my schedule for today, Mom? Anything important?" I asked.

"Well, you have to go to the Hunter's Association today for a mission to go execute a couple of rowdy Level E's. You have no class today, as it is a holiday. So basically you're free for the day today after you finish the mission. Same goes for the three of you." She said to me and my siblings.

"Awesomeeee. That means I can spend the day playing video games!" My younger brother Hiroki said.

I sighed. One thing I want to do before I die is go to a boarding school and experience life as a normal teenage girl. Homeschooling is so boring, and I can't make any new friends...

"What's the matter, Lily?" Dad asked me while eating his rice.

"Well... This has been on my mind for a bit, but I want to go to a boarding school. I've always wanted to experience life as a normal teenager and make new friends. Can I? Please?" I said pleadingly.

My parents looked at each other. 

"Are you sure about that, Lily? Being there means you're going to stay there. And with the time you have left..." Dad said.

"I'm sure. I'll come back on the day before my birthday, which is what? Four months from now? It should be fine, right?" I said in a carefree tone.

"If that is what you want, then so be it Lily. We want you to enjoy your last four months here in this world.." Mom said in a sad tone.

"Now now! There is still four months! Lily still has time to find her soulmate! He has to be close by, somewhere in this town! He might even be waiting for her in Cross Academy!"  Daisuke said.

I can no longer believe in love.  I've been used by so many men from my past...

"I only was with you because of your social status... You have no use to me anymore."

"There is no longer any need for us to be together. I already got what I needed from you."

Yet that man in my dreams... My heart won't stop pounding. I really do want to meet him, I want to see him.

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