Mockingjay: If Katniss was captured instead of Peeta...

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(This story is based with both my ideas and Suzanne Collins hunger games books)

Katniss POV

I woke up feeling strange, where was I?. I heard a scream, I don't know who it was but it sounded familiar. I can't get my head round it, I feel like my brain isn't co-operating today. I'm lying shackled to a white wall and laying on a cold concrete floor. Then it hits me, I hear another scream and identify the person behind it. It's Joanna Mason from District 7. She was one of mine and Peeta's allies. Wait! where's Peeta?

I struggle to get a grip on reality, but before I can move a muscle the person who created the pain towards everyone I love walked into the cell. It was President Snow. "Well, well well the girl on fire has awaken from her fiery nap. How do you feel, dizzy, nauseous maybe dead" I stayed silent, after I while he called in someone called Roland.

This guy was big and you could tell he's one of the strong, likes pain types. Snow stands in front of me and Roland's behind. Snow kneels down slightly to see into my eyes and asks 'Who is in charge of the Rebel side?' I don't answer, after a few seconds of silence, snow looked up slightly and I felt the most searing pain on my lower back, I had just been whipped. The pain was becoming unbearable, before Roland continued Snow knelt down again and asked 'What is the rebels plan of attack?'. Again I don't answer, not because I want everyone safe fro his grasp; believe me I do, but I just don't know. Everyone went behind mine and Peeta's back. They played us like puppets.

Again i'm in blistering pain, I wish it would stop but it doesn't and before I knew it I was out cold.

 Peeta's POV

I woke up somewhere I had never seen before, it looks like a hospital but not one I have ever been in. Prim and Haymitch come to my side as soon as I awoke.

There was a sad but terrified look in their eyes. Prim was even crying, you could tell by the blotchiness of her eyes. Starting to worry I say with discomfort "What's happen? Where am I?" with a small shout "Where's Katniss!!!". Quickly but with hesitation Haymitch speaks "I'm so sorry Peeta but Katniss is gone, Snow took her while you where being rescued in the arena, and your in District 13"

Prim hugs me as a tear strolls down my face


Katniss POV

I woke up to a strong scent, I think it was blood red roses which can only mean one thing. Snow is in the room. He stands outside my cage waiting for me to lunge for him. But I just lie their think about everyone I love.

So many questions go through my mind. Where is everyone? Who took Peeta? Is everyone I love safe from Snows grasp. While I was in my question world two servants come in and take my chains of, they drag me to a chair in a separate room. Its dark, dank and I can tell rope is being tied around me. I try to fight them off but it was no use. I was stuck there in the same position for 2 days straight.

I get a small amount of bread each day, I could tell the pounds where coming of my body. Some part of me couldn't care less, and starve myself to death. However I wanna live and I know I'll be rescued soon, i'm sure they're making plans right this second to come and get me away from the devil.

Haymitch POV

I hate seeing Peeta like this. I Hardly ever get to see him but whenever I do, he turns away and walks the opposite direction. One day I went up to him and sorting stuff out with him. He started to trust me again when I said "We'll get her back, Ill make sure of it."

Katniss CapturedWhere stories live. Discover now