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Emily POV

The sun beginning shine through window as alarm went off... I banged my head while I try get up...ouch! went back to sleep...trying to sleep off the headache....
-----Emily's Dream and POV-------
There was gorgeous fields with multi-flowers as the sun was blazing hot...
Voice-Em is that you?
I felt so scared to see who its is? so I turn around its was beautiful blonde girl, look like she around my age with sparkling ocean eyes and everything was perfect....
Em-Yeah how do u know?
voice- Em...really? (giving me one of her classic looks)
Em- wait Waait is that you Alison?
Alison-(smiles) Yeah I miss you...
Em- No no this can't be..!

----------Dream over----------
Stood up with my eyes widen waken.
Start to look around if Spencer drugged me...not which didn't happen.
Pam-(walks in with breakfast in tray)
Em- Thanks that look really beautiful...(starting look Suspicion) wait wait you only do that if u got good news
Pam- well you (as she sitting the edge of my bed)
Pam- I invited the Marin coming over for barbecue tonight!(smiles)
Em -(gasp) Really is that mean Hanna coming too?
Pam- Yeah (giving her hug before leaving the room)

YES YES...yes I love Hanna Marin as my sister/bestfriend, she was Queenbee after Alison and very loyal and can be dumb only if it need be and she has many skills but sport isn't one of them. Finally i won't be only one who police will get questioning to!

As I look my drawer, I really need to update...(chuckles)
*Phone rings*
I speed to my nightstand and didn't look who calling I just pick up and hoping it's would be Alison...
-------over the phone-------
Voice- your Emily right?
Em- Yes sorry, who are you?
voice- Look at outside?
Em- erm why?
Voice 2-(chuckles) Em will defo love that! So i sprite to downstairs and open my front door.


What u think has happen next? please comment down ❤️😘X

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