Chapter 39: Why Lavi Why?

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Obviously relieved to be off the topic, Lenalee answered cheerfully, "Great, the scenery was beautiful! Lavi can be good to me when he wants to be. He even took me the long way around through Gatlinburg."

"Nice, we should do that later today, like just drive through the mountains and stuff," I suggest, latching onto Kanda's right arm.

She nods, "Sounds good, but first, let's eat! Did anyone order fifteen plates of mitarashi dango?"

"Me! I did! Thank you, guys!" I chirp happily as I plop down on the booth of the table, the aroma of food filling my nostrils from the seven bags atop the wood.

Of course, I'm finished with my food before everyone, and decide to start a conversation, because there had been an awkward silence cast through the room.

I ask, "So what do you guys want to do today?"

"I don't know, probably the water park," Lenalee answers, glancing at Lavi who was nodding in agreement. Said rabbit adds, "Yes, I hear there's a gigantic snake that little kids play on. I SHALL REIGN SUPREME!"

His girlfriend, Kanda, and I all give him a "what the freak" look as he continues eating, his single eye glaring at the salt shaker like it would hop up and sprinkle poison on him. Deciding that it was better not to question the harebrained redhead, I say, "That sounds good, but if we're going anywhere in the mountains, shouldn't we do that while it's still light?"

"Good point," Lenalee says. "Maybe we can do that tomorrow. I mean, I figured we'd stay until tomorrow night."

A string of death threats and curses leave Kanda's mouth while I nod, "Okay, then the water park after lunch?"

Nodding, Lenalee finishes her salad and sticks the box in one of the bags, "I need to go get ready. Um, Allen, have you been there already...or like...err...."

"It's fine, he has a surf shirt he wears," Kanda answers for me, not as uncomfortable with the conversation as the rest of us were. After replying, Lenalee prances off to the twin bedroom, shutting the door with a click, and Lavi and Kanda begin to stuff empty boxes into bags. My boyfriend tells me to go get ready, and I do so, closing the door quietly behind me before fetching my now dry swimsuit and surf shirt.

I wait on the bed for Kanda after I change, and as soon as he's through the door, he growls, "Do I have to go?"

"Yes," I immediately reply, closing my eyes as he strips down. Ugh, the guy had no modesty! Though, that's good in some situations...shut up, Allen!

The conversation ends there, and Kanda doesn't push at all, just works on his hair and then exits the room with me. When we get back into the living room, Lavi is in red, of course, swim trunks, and he says, "Lenalee is still changing."

"I know. She takes forever to change! Why does it take girls so long to slip on a bikini?" I complain, hopping up on one of the tall chairs at the bar. The rabbit was splayed out on the couch while Kanda leaned against the wall with his arms crossed, and even though I would never date him, I couldn't help but notice how hot Lavi looked. Lenalee and I always agreed that he was much more attractive without the bandana, same with Kanda and his hair tie, and we both think that the two guys are downright sexy, but we would never go after each other's boyfriend.

"Hey, Allen, will you come here for a sec?" a feminine voice called from the twin bedroom. Jumping to the ground, I quickly walked to the door, "Yeah?"

Suddenly, the door opens and I'm harshly pulled in by my arm, followed by Kanda threatening, "If I find out you raped or molested my Moyashi, you're having a very intimate session with Mugen!"

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