Blood Red

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All I can see is red, like the flames of a Rapidash. Different shades of reds replaced the true colors of this forest. Here, I walk a lonely road, searching for the end of this bloody place. When I look up, the sky is deep crimson with a bright orange-reddish sun. 

The feeling is abysmal, hint of dismal. The walk is not great, but cannot await. This horrendous evening has caught up to me. I do plead with all my soul, but I'm afraid time had stole. My hope is gone. . . where can I . . . why am I here?

Abruptly, "Red!" The voice echoed.

Confused, "Wha- What do you want?" I replied, "Who are you?"

"Red. . . Wake up, Red!" The voice shouted.

Wake up? I am awake, wide awake! Why I wouldn't be? Following the voice, I sat next to the auburn tree, confused. This person is telling me to wake up but I am awake. . . or do I ache with ignorance? It's not my fault I assure you! This fantasy world has tricked me. . . or I convicted myself. . .

The sense is not with me or nor are any answers. Have I've lost my insanity?

'Drip' I felt a drop of liquid landed on my cheek.

Touching the substance cause me to distance myself. The instance of knowing the essence has troubled me. Not of confusion, but fusion of fear and wonder.

'Drip' Another drop landed on me.

The investigation has feared me even more. My eyes wondered up. . . seeing a bunch of blood falling down, landing on me. 


Instantly, waking up to see my friend, Blue, to be on my side holding a bucket of what used to have water in it.

"Finally, you're awake!" He slightly chuckled.

Wiping the water off my face, "You could've just slapped me." I joked.

"Sorry, but it looked like you where having a bad dream. Even ,Pikachu, was worried!" With that, Pikachu jumped on my lap to give me a welcome greeting.

Stretching, "It's fine guys, it was just a weird dream; but now that I'm awake. Let's pack up and go."

Blue nodded, leaving to fetch our stuff in the camp site. Good. . . I want to leave this forest as fast as possible. The reason for the rush is that I'm a mush, of a mess. In fact, my mind is bobbled up of unorganized instincts. The atmosphere irks me being in the forest. Although, I have nothing to contain evidence of supporting my theory, but I still endure trusting issues in this place. Nevertheless, I must go on. It takes awhile to reach the end; to get to my Gym Battle.

Blue came back with a towel, "Thanks." I thanked him.

As I dry up to relieve my wet skin, I took off my shirt. As a transition to a new shirt I sense, Blue, is staring at me. When I peeked to prove my theory, I'm correct. He must be still laughing with the water situation.

When done, Pikachu jumped onto my arms, climbing to my shoulder; to rest. I've made sure we were prepared for departure. All set is what it seems, now let's gleam!

Although, the rim of the journey seems brim with wonder. . . from the slumber. It feels that the symbolism in the dream is in a reality sense. . . or am I suffering from paranoia? Nevertheless, I'll just walk it off.

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