See You Again

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Yay! another marionette x reader book ^_^.


'Its been two months since I last saw the guys. I miss them, wish I can see them again.'

I sit on my couch and I mess on my phone listening to (your favorite song). And it was late at night, after a while I got a text from the boss at Freddy Fazbears.

"Ms. (L/N) we would like for you to come back to work for us. We'll do anything to bring you back, we'll even up your pay check."

'They must be desperate. Doesn't surprise me, that place can give people the creeps at night.'

|    Next day    |

I decided to go back and work the nightshift there again.

I walk into the bosses office, "oh hello Ms. (L/N) please take a seat."

I go and sit down.

"So I can see you got our message. Look all of the past guards have been scared off or randomly gone missing. We don't know what to do about it and you're the only one we can come to. Please come and take the nightshift again."

I didn't respond for a short period of time than I spoke, "this was the one place I always went to on my birthday, the one I grew up around, it is kinda part of my life. And I do miss seeing the marionette and others. K, I'll take the job, but you will have to raise my pay check."

"Deal," he says as we shake hands.

I leave the building and all of a sudden my hands feel cold as ice for some reason. I just shake it off and head to my car. Before I drove off I called my boyfriend.


"Hey, (BF/N), I'm going back to work at Freddy's tonight."

"Why? Haven't you heard of what goes on at night there and what happened to the people who took the nightshift?"

"Yeah, but as you know I worked there before a-"

"Yeah but it wasn't that bad at that period of time. If you go to work tomorrow you're gonna die and I don't want you dead."

"I know you don't, but I need the money and my other job was a piece of s***."

"I got a not so well job to, but it gives me a good amount of money. Plus my job isn't going to kill me."

"You know I worked there for quite a while (Freddy's) and I came out with no harm what so ever. Okay so I can prove you wrong I'll bring you along. And I'll prove to you that what you and the others have been saying are all lies and fiction."

"Okay, but if I'm right, you're going to regret it in your death."

"I know, I'm gonna go I need to head home. Leia should be at my apartment waiting for me."

"Okay, bye I love you."

"You too."


I start the car and head home.

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