The subway had already arrived when you came to the platform, and the three of you hastily gave the waiting man your tickets before jumping through the doors. As it closed only a minute later, you squeezed your way through a terrible crowd of people inside, huffing for breath as you reached the back of the car where you spotted Vincent, Cloud, Leon, Chiyoko, Zack, and a cluster of four others you didn't recognize, sitting on the left side of the four seated benches whereas the boys sat on the other side—Chiyoko laughing at something, sitting on Zack's lap.

The girl towards the edge of the seats where the unknown group sat wore a school uniform—different from yours in that it consisted of a red skirt and tie, long sleeved black button up blouse, black boots, and white socks that stopped inches before the edge of her skirt. The long strands of her wavy black hair framed the sides of her face as her bright blue eyes were focused on the book in her lap. Standing at the railing beside her in the uniform of your own school was a ponytailed redheaded male whose hair was spiked in front to the side in a lazy fashion.

Beside the reading girl though, a young man sat, speaking to Vincent. His hair was black and shaggy, contrasting highly against his golden—almost brown—eyes. He wore a beige trench coat over the lazy ensemble of a white shirt, denim jeans, and black and white canvas shoes. Bored expression on his face, his eyes momentarily shifted towards Chiyoko every time she giggled, and as annoyance crossed his features with the fact that he was mentally trying to block her out became obvious, Vincent called to his attention again.

Next to him, a petite girl in the same uniform as the first girl sat, swinging her legs back and forth happily, brown eyes glittering as she listened intently to Zack and Chiyoko's conversation, pitching in every now and then. Her straight black hair fell just above her elbows, and she flicked it back when it came forward in her movements. An amber necklace hung around her neck, and as you gave a moment's glance at her, you noticed a kudan key around her neck.

Finally, a girl with black streaked, rosy red hair sat at the end—dark brown eyes shifting across the group as she quietly sat, biting her lip. Both tall and skinny, she sported a uniform like the two other girls, and every chance she had to speak, was interrupted, but nevertheless listened intently as she waited to try again. Upon the necklace around her neck seemed to be a shattered piece of jade—or was it materia—you weren't entirely sure.

Approaching the area, Chiyoko was the first to turn, almost jumping off Zack's lap as she embraced Axel in a hug," Heya Axey~!"

"Hey [Name]," he smiled, hugging her back. "Zack wasn't being a bitch to you, was he?"

Zack snorted," She was having a great time without you here—huh [Name]?"

The pink haired girl giggled and shrugged, sitting on the teen's lap again," Maybe, maybe not—I'll never tell~!"

"Hey Cloud?" Axel called, looking down at his phone. "Tifa sent me something—what is this?"

The blonde curiously cocked an eyebrow, getting up from sitting beside Zack and tearing away from his conversation with Leon. "What are you—"

"So~!" the redhead grinned, whooshing past Cloud as he now took up his seat. "How's it going?"

"Why did I even fall for that?" Cloud muttered, grabbing onto a rail as Leon sighed, standing to join his friend as the subway stopped and they found seats near the middle of the car. Reno took his seat and dragged you along, about to pull you down when you instead smiled and held onto the railing as the subway sped off again.

"Hey Reno—who's you're girlfriend?" the petite girl asked, brown eyes now focused on you.

"Amaya Nochi," the redhead across from you answered, gesturing to you with a viola gesture.

[KH/FF] Treachery of Fate: Imperfect ImposterWhere stories live. Discover now