Chapter 46: To Save a Life

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Maka's POV

Crona came in a couple of times to see if I "changed" my opinion about him but every time I spit in his face. Every time, he forcefully kissed me.

Maybe I could trick him into thinking I had changed and get out of here when I have the chance. But that won't feel right with my heart.

It will feel like I'm cheating on Soul. Wait a minute. Why am I thinking I'm with Soul still? He cheated on me.

Well, I love him still and I want him to take me away from here. I don't even know where I'm at. I want to get out of here and never return.


He was the only one who really cared for me even though he was a bully to me. I want him here to hold me and tell me things will be okay.

Hopefully he comes soon and rescues me from this hell hole. Crona is really different when he doesn't get what he wants. It's starting to scare me.

What will Crona do when he finally gets that I don't like him? Will he hurt me or will he kill me? Either way, both sounds horrible to experience.

Maybe I can trick Crona into thinking I had changed my ways. I know it will feel ugly inside me but it's the only way to get out of here.

Could I wait a little longer though? Sure I want to get out of here but I want to wait for Soul to come. Will he come and save me? Or will he be with Blair again?

"Oh Soul." I whisper. "Were you really with Blair in that way?"

He never lied to me before about that and I have this feeling that he wouldn't. He said he loved me and only me. He wouldn't do that if he loved me.

Was he lying? I don't think he was lying because it didn't look like it. Every word he said to me was heart felt and it looked like it was hard for him to say it.

Before I can really continue thinking about it, I heard the door getting unlocked. I sat up quickly in the chair and waited for him to come in.

I'm not ready to go through with my plan just yet. I should wait until he comes in next time again. I have to physically and mentally prepare myself for that.

He walked in front of me and started to whisper in my ear how Soul was with Blair right now. My eyes started to tear up again and my whimpers came out.

I couldn't help but feel like this every time I heard Soul was with her. I knew he didn't really love me. But I couldn't help but try and believe him.

While I was silently crying I heard Crona talking to someone other then me. At first I thought it was Ragnerok but it didn't sound like it at the same time.

"You hear that?" He asked. "That's her hurt because of you."

"You liar!" My heart stopped at the sound of Soul's voice. "She's scared of you and you know it!"

Suddenly, Crona snapped and started to yell at him how Soul hurt me and that he was a bastard for doing so. I wanted to yell out to Soul but I think Crona noticed because he slapped a hand over my mouth.

I couldn't even open my mouth to bite his hand. By the time I was able to do so, he had already hung up the call. He looked at the phone and shook his head.

"You liar." I growled. "Soul wasn't with Blair."

"Oh Maka." He gasped. "I would never lie to you my flower."

That made me more pissed so I continued to growl at him. He was getting on my nerves with all of the lies he was feeding me with each minute he was by me.

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