35- We're Really Falling Apart

Start from the beginning

When I got into the dining room, my mom dad and Margaret were all sitting around the table.

“Hello, Zoey.” My mom muttered curtly. “You’re almost late.”

I let out a long sigh. “Hi, Mom, I’m on time.” I reminded her. This dinner was supposed to start at seven and I got down there at 6:50, so I’m obviously early.

“If you’re early, you’re one time. If you’re on time, you’re late. If you’re late, you’re left.” She recited like she always does when she thinks that I’m late. Ten minutes early isn’t late.

“Yeah,” I sighed heavily, sitting down in a chair that Ben had pulled out for me. I gave him a thank you smile, but didn’t actually thank him because I would have gotten a lecture for ‘thanking the help’ because that’s just how awful she is. There was salad already on the table and everyone else had a small serving on their plate, so I took some and placed it on my own plate.

“So Margaret,” My mom began. “how’s school going?”

“Great!” Margaret, who was sitting beside me at the table, chirped with a broad, annoying smile. “How was your business trip to Hong Kong?”

I didn’t know they were in Hong Kong, but I didn’t say anything. Mostly because I didn’t care. “It was beautiful.” My dad spoke up with a nod. “We should go for a family vacation sometime.”

“That sounds amazing,” Margaret cooed and my mom nodded in agreement.

“Yeah, I love Hong Kong.” I added sarcastically, but I didn’t show my sarcasm, I just chirped it innocently.

My mom looked at me with a frown. “Oh, no. Why would you be invited?”

I gave her a wide eyed stare. “You do know that I’m party of this family, right?”

“Hardly,” My dad added dryly.

I bit my tongue so that I didn’t say something snarky back because that’d just start something awful. “Right, well I talked to Lance a few days ago.”

“You talked to Lance?” My mom asked in surprise.

I nodded. “Yes, why is that so surprising?”

“Well, he hasn’t called us at all. Why’d he call you?” She wondered.

I shrugged. “I don’t know, we are hardly family, right?”

“Don’t be smart.” My dad hissed.

Four fancily dressed waiter people came out of like, nowhere, and placed plates down in front of each of us. We had some weird-looking chicken and a vegetable medley or whatever they called it.

“Yeah, I mean, just because we don’t really agree with Lance going into the Navy, doesn’t mean that we don’t want to talk to him. I miss Lance, he’s my brother.” Margaret defended.

“The Navy is nice, I just want to speak to him.” My mom agreed with a nod.

“Yeah, that’s all nice and dandy and everything, except for the fact that he’s not in the Navy, he’s in the Army.” I informed them.

“What is up with the attitude, Zoey Chase?” My father demanded. “This is a family dinner.”

“You literally just said that I’m not part of the family.” I pointed out.

“Will you stop whining?” Margaret whined, which immediately made her a hypocrite, I think.

“I am not whining,” I argued. “I’m pointing out a fact.”

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