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A/N: So this is my first fan fic so please take it easy on me. And if you have any ideas please let me know and I'll think about adding them.
Thanks, RiversLastSong

My new life started to hit me the morning that I got a phone call from my ex-girlfriend Lisa Braeden. And I knew what she was calling about our son Ben.

You see about a month ago I reconnected with Lisa while on a job with my little brother Sammy. You see parents were killing themselves or each other because their "kids" made them. Come to find out it was really changeling's.

Come to find out that as a result of our week together she-we- had a son. His name is Benjamin Isaac Braeden (all though I plan to change that.)

Lisa tried to convince me that I wasn't his father even said she had a blood test done when he was a baby. But I couldn't shake the feeling that he was mine so we had a new DNA test done. Which was kind of hard considering that I'm a wanted man just about everywere. And it came back that yes,  I'm Ben's Biological father. And since then I've tried to be there for them when I can. Like now.

"Hello? Dad are you there? Mom is missing and she's not answering my phone calls or text messages!" Said a very scared sounding Ben.

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