"Looking for me?" Aang asked, standing strong. 

"You're the air bender? You're the avatar?" Zuko asked in disbelief, melting the snow of him. "And you, girl, are you an air bender too?"

Aang and Zuko began to circle each other slowly, Kumo backed away, still holding a stance incase she needed to protect the Tribe.

"I've been preparing for this my entire life." Zuko growled. " You're just a child!"

"Well, you're just a teenager." Kumo clicked her tongue, knowing Aang had probably just hit a nerve. Zuko shot blasts of fire forwards towards Aang, who sort of blocked it with his glider. It continued like that, Zuko firing shots and Aang blocking.

Kumo couldn't help but notice the villagers cower back from the heat of Zuko's flames. She darted forward, extinguishing the flames with a simple flick of her fan. She ushered the tribes' people back.

"Kumo," Gran Gran rasped," You came back."

Kumo nodded but Aang seemed to have heard the whimpers and cries of the children already, he stopped his glider.

"If I go with you, do you promise to leave everyone alone?" Aang bargained, concerned for the tribes people. Zuko nodded.

"But the girl has to come to." He scowled, standing straight again. Kumo sighed at Aang's deal, she shouldn't have come. She flicked her fan shut and tucked it safely away in her sash.

Fire benders stepped foreward, grabbing her and Aang. They pushed them towards the ship, it's inky blackness intimidated Kumo as she feared the dark. She briefly heard someone call out to them but wasn't paying that much attention as the ship closed behind them.

She was shoved up to the deck, scowling even more with every step she took.

"Sorry you got caught up in this." Aang apologised nervously from in front of her.

"It's fine, they won't keep me here for long anyway." She mumbled the last part but she knew Zuko heard it, she smirking slightly as he became irritated. They were pushed onto the deck of the ship and made to stand face to face with Zuko, he snatched her fan from her sash and Aang's glider. 

"Girl, who are you?" He scowled, crossing his arms across his chest.

"Kumo." She answered, the old man behind Zuko raised an eyebrow.

"Just Kumo?" He queried, stroking his beard. She nodded.

"I was abandoned and given to the water tribe when I was a baby." She answered bluntly. Aang frowned slightly, as did Zuko.

"But you are an air bender?" He asked, she confirmed by nodding. He seemed thoughtful before turning to Aang. " This staff will be an excellent gift for my father, I suppose you wouldn't know a father after being raised by monks."

Kumo clicked her tongue. She thought that was kinda harsh. 

"Take the avatar to my prison hold." He commanded the guards and then shoved the glider to the old man. "Take this to my quarters. "

Kumo almost let the smirk show on her face, an opening. She darted out of the soldier's grasp and leapt into the air, blasting a flurry of wind down into the soldiers, forcing them onto the floor. She landed swiftly, rolling to the side to avoid a kick to the face from Zuko. He shot fire at her, she dodged and forced him backwards with a blast of wind.

Her lucky streak didn't last long as Zuko shot up and aimed a punch for her face, she leaned backwards but fire shot out of his fist. She ducked and he anticipated her movements, knocking her off her feet with a kick to the chest. She groaned, clutching her chest on the floor.

"You're pretty good." She mumbled, groaning in pain. "But not good enough."

She leapt up and sent him back with a blast of air but he grabbed her wrist, escaping the wind as he moved to the side of her before grabbing her wrists behind her back.

"Whose not good enough now?" He smirked. She scowled. "Take her into the chambers."

The guards began to drag her again, this time shoving Kumo into some random empty room in the ship before locking the door. It was empty, and boring. She scowled, she hadn't fought fire benders in a while. She heard a lot of crashing. Like a lot of crashing. So like the valiant hero she was, decided to stay in the room.

Once the crashing and smashing had quietened down, she blasted a ball of concentrated air at the door, it blew it of it's hinges. Soldiers lay confused on the ground, some still stood trying to make sense of what happened, she dealt with them with a good hook to the face. 

She wandered through the corridors before coming to the exit onto the deck. The old man stood there though he didn't seem to have any intentions of capturing her. Zuko seemed to be hanging off the ship, she was tempted to push him off. 

A giant flying thing landed on deck, Aang and the others hopped on and it flew up into the air. Kumo blinked as it flew past, the old man had ignored her and run to help Zuko. Zuko growled, releasing a stream of fire after them, Aang redirected it with air. It hit a side of the ice wall.

Kumo darted back inside to avoid the snow and ice that poured down on the ship. She wasn't gonna lie, she had no idea how to swim and was, slightly, terrified of water. Luckily, the snow only buried the front of the ship.

She heard Zuko yell in anger at people. She wanted to leave, but he had her fan. She darted forward, using air to lighten her footsteps before reaching out to snatch her fan back.She got a hold of it and was about to leap back when Zuko turned, blasting fire at her.

She shot to the ground, rolling out the way before springing back up onto her feet. Zuko shot fire at her in a massive stream, she managed to dodge it all but didn't expect him to send a swift kick to her back as she turned.

She groaned in pain, lying face first on the floor. She was dragged up by the back of her cloak.

"And you, you are going to help me find the avatar, air bender."

Clouds ( Avatar: The Last Airbender)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora