"Mum, I miss him too." I whispered and she nodded her head lightly. I kissed her forehead and she smiled at me.

"It's okay Destiny. I am so glad to still have our beautiful daughter" She said and this time I smiled at her.

"And I am glad to have my mother with me" I said. I let her go and she turned back to getting ready. The little moment we just had was pushed beside and we acted like nothing had happened. Everything was back to normal.Of course only how far our "normal" was normal. I straightened her hair, while she searched the golden watch I had bought her last Mothers-day in her jewelry box. Around 15 minutes later we were good to go. In the car we chatted about random things and the time passed by a lot faster that way. Half an hour later we arrived at the posh restaurant on the left side of the river Thames. Usually we do not go to such restaurants like this. We are more comfortable with a small cafe or a pizzeria, but this restaurant has the best dessert ever. Me and my mum are a big fan of their Crème Brûlée. It tastes amazing. It's our absolute favourite. So once in a while we grant ourselves an expensive meal in here. A young man, probably a few years older than me, guided us to our table and handed us the menus. Mum and I ordered our food and then were left alone to wait. We were seated at a table next to the window with a perfect view on the river. We didn't have always luck to reserve a table at the window because they were always already taken. But sometimes we were lucky enough to catch the last table like this time.

"The view is breathtaking as always, huh ?" My mum said, looking out the window. I turned my head to the side and let my eyes soak in the beautiful scenery.

"Yeah" I mumbled more to myself. It was already dark outside even though it was only a little after 6 pm. Disadvantages of autumn.

"Cassandra called  me the other day. Did I tell you that already ?" She asked and I turned my attention away from the river and directed it on my mum.

"No you didn't" I replied and she nodded. Cassandra is my mum's older sister and therefore my aunt. She's really nice but also a little annoying. She asks too many questions and often forgets to think about what she's going to say which leads to endless awkward and sometimes even shocking situations. For example, she says things that you should not say to a person, who lost her/his dad and obviously does not want to be reminded of his loss constantly. I have to accept the fact how she just is, I guess. Ultimately she is my mum's sister and I know that she would not want me to hate her or something.

"Well, she said she would like to take you on a trip to Brighton with her" She said. I raised an eyebrow and gave mum a suspicious look.

"Aunt Cassandra ?" I questioned.

"Yeah, she said she did not want to go alone. You know her boyfriend left her last month and she has no one else over there in Bristol. She asked me to come too, but you know that my working schedule doesn't allow me to have a week off hun. I thought it would be a change for you. We never went to Brighton. I believe that you will like it there and you would be out of London for awhile, which is not such a bad idea, right ?" She asked. Hm, a week with aunt Cassandra in Brighton. Let me think about it. No thanks.

"I don't know mum" I said. I could not exactly tell her that I would not endure a whole week alone with her sister, so a "I don't know" should be enough for the start. I would like to go to Brighton though. I haven't been to a beach in a freaking long time. I know that I won't be able to go swimming since it's almost winter and it's freezing outside, but a walk along the beach would not be too bad. Aunt Cassandra does not say those things on purpose with the intention to hurt me or anger me. She just says whatever is on her mind. She's one of those people, who are too honest. Way too honest. I know she cannot change the way she is, but I also cannot hear her out 24/7.

Recovery (Conor Maynard AU)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα