Ch. 1 Stranger in my Bed!

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"Are you crazy! I don't believe in superstitions or old tails."

"But we must confess that there are more tourists coming here every year after that werewolf crap.."

"Totally agree. They make money out of tourism but don't care about our peace!"

"Absolutely! Talking about peace, Melissa told me she was planning on throwing a party this weekend."

"Oh Lord..."

"What! I say we go! We need to have some fun!" she shook her booty, making a dancing motions.

"Yeah with Daniel and his gang?"

"We'll ignore them. C'mon YN it's gonna be fun and I wanna have fun! Don't make me go alone, girl!"

"I'll think about it... "

"Only think about it?"


"Ok whatever, I'll persuade you anyway, you know me!" she winked.

"Oh I know you! You don't stop until you get what you want."

"That's me!" we reached my house.

"Well, then... call me when you get some rest."

"I will. Bye love."

"Bye." You hugged each other and she continued for her house.

You walked in the living room.

"I'm hooome!" where the heck was everybody? I just returned from hell and my parents are nowhere to be found!? Greatness.

I went upstairs for my room. I wanted to take a shower first so that I would wash off all the bad memories from the lousy camp. However, as I approached my room, I saw the door was wide open and heard whimpers coming from inside. Someone was crying? In my own room?

I silently tip toed to my room and peaked in.

There was a man lying on my bed with his back against me, dressed in pajamas. He was hugging a pillow, wait MY pillow, crying, smirking and wiping away his tears with a tissue.

Who the hell was that? And why was he crying and blowing his nose in my bed? Gross! That was it!

"Who the hell are you?" I angrily asked. He slowly turned around to look at me.

His skin was gently kissed by the sun like the color of caramel. His hair was black and curly, tied up in a messy ponytail. His eyes were dark but red and filled with tears which meant he must have cried here in my room for quite some time. His perfect, small nose was red too, I guess from all the blowing. I waited for his answer but he won't say a thing. I put my hands on my waist and asked again

"I ASKED WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?" I wasn't patient at all today. Let's not forget I just returned from hell.

"YN!" I heard my mother's voice and turned around.

"My baby's back!" my dad said as they were approaching me.

"Mom, dad." they took me in their arms. "There's someone in our house!" I pointed at him.

"That's not someone, YN, that's Michael." my mom replied. Oh so they knew him.

"And why is he in my bed? You now I don't like people in my room, especially bed!"

"AHHHHHHHH nobody wants meeeeee!" he begun crying even harder. What the...?

"Now, YN, see what you've done? You upset him even more!" my mom said, walking over to him. She sat on the bed and took him in her arms.

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