Chapter Forty-One: By being annoying of course

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She squeezes her eyes shut, shaking her head frantically. "I didn't need that in my head, Macy."

"It's what I'm here for." I pat her shoulder, before motioning with my head for her to go. She looks down the hall towards the sound of the footsteps, then back to me.

"Ok, but I'll be back," she promises. I nod, watching her as she hurries out. Once she's gone, I climb up onto my bed and try to look casual. I quickly tuck the charm and the broken chain into my pocket, patting it for good luck before resuming staring at the ceiling.

'You should be working on getting out you know,' Wolfette pipes in.

'Really? The thought never crossed my mind. Thank you for suggesting that,' I respond sarcastically. I can just feel the mental, annoyed, wolfy eye roll she's giving me. 'And if you have a plan, let me know, because I'm fresh out of ideas. If you haven't notice, this is kind of a highly secured place.'

'Why not try and get Neil and Alan to help? I'm sure they want out too.'

'Yes, because discussing an escape plan with them two, where everyone can eavesdrop, is the smart idea,' I deadpan.

'Right, I almost forgot, you're too big of a loud mouth for this to work.'

'At least I'm not a dog.'

'Jokes on you, you are.'

'As of now, you're incapable of coming out so I am pretty close to human. You're still a dog no matter what. Female dog, that makes you a bitch, right?'

'This is ridiculous.'

'You're telling me.'

Is it normal for a girl and her wolf to be on completely opposite ends of the personality spectrum? Not that that question sounds normal in the first place, but for crying out loud. Maybe that's what happens when mates are separated?

This should come with a warning label. 'Beware: Being mates will cause drastic personality disagreements between you and a voice in your head'. Or something like that.

"And how's my little cell mate doing today?" Neil chirps, as he waits to be once again trapped in this prison cell.

"Terribly," I complain. "I'm bored. I'm tired. I'm stuck with this voice in my head with the personality of a rattlesnake and I think I'm starting to develop claustrophobia. And I need to pee."

"Sucks," he responds, "but you do realize there's a toilet right there, right?" he points behind the beds to a silver toilet-sink-thing.

"Oh hell no."

What exactly were the people who built these cells thinking? Toilets go in stalls and bathrooms, not next to beds. Geez.

"You're kind of low on options there doll face," Neil says, sitting down on his bed.

"I'll just convince Donny to let me out," I conclude, grabbing onto the ladder to lower myself down.

"And how do you plan on doing that?" Neil asks skeptically.

"By being annoying of course."

I ran up to the bars, where Donny was letting Alan into his cell. I made my expression completely serious, even though I was seconds away from scrunching my face up and doing some weird dance to stop my bladder from bursting.

"Donny, you don't like me and I don't like you," I start. He ignored me, continuing opening and closing cell doors, but I continued on talking. "But I think we should set aside those differences for the sake of my bladder."

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