"What do you do to me babe?"

"Allow me to demonstrate" Cheryl whispered sexily. She pressed her lips against Kimberley's and pulled her roughly towards her,

"Mum I can't sleep" they broke apart instantly, both flushing bright red,

"What's up mate?" Cheryl asked, crouching down to Daniel's level. The young boy raised his hand to Cheryl's face and wiped away some stray lipstick,

"Why were you kissing mummy?" He asked sleepily. Cheryl looked up at Kimberley with a confused look plastered on her features,

"Baby you know that me and Cheryl are a couple. That's what couples do" Daniel nodded,

"I thought it was what mums and dads did" Kimberley frowned,

"No baby...all couples do it"

"Oh ok...Cheryl will you read me a story?" He asked quietly. Cheryl nodded and stood up. She then lifted him up too,

"Come on then...let's get you back in bed mr" Kimberley smiled at the sight as Cheryl left the room with her youngest son. It was only when they were out of her view that she registered the dull ache between her legs,

"Cold shower time" she said to herself before following them up the stairs.


Cheryl sat on the edge of Daniel's bed, gently stroking his hair whilst he slept. Having Kimberley's two boys around was making her increasingly broody. After her miscarriage she had convinced herself that she would never want kids. The fragile state it had left her in made her constantly question whether she would cope with another one but now, living with Kimberley, she was starting to think that it would be worth the risk. Of course she knew that she could never bring it up with Kimberley. Their relationship was fragile enough without bringing another person into it. Equally, at 23 years of age, she wasn't sure how long she wanted to wait. She didn't want to be an older parent and she didn't want there to be a big age gap between hers and Kimberleys children. And her main worry was that Kimberley might not want any more. If that was the case, Cheryl wasn't sure how she would feel. She desperately wanted to believe that he love for Kimberley would be enough but realistically, she knew it could be their biggest problem. She jumped as she felt Kimberley's hand on her shoulder,

"Are you alright? You've been sat staring into space for ages" Kimberley whispered. Cheryl nodded and stood up quickly,

"I'm fine...just thinking that's all"

"About anything in particular?"

"Yeah but I don't think we are ready for that conversation. Let's go to bed. I'm pretty tired now" Kimberley frowned and grabbed her arm as she tried to pass,

"Cheryl what do you mean we're not ready for that conversation?"

"Please just trust me Kimba...it's really not worth talking about at the minute" Kimberley nodded slightly,

"Ok. I'm gonna go finish cleaning up. I'll see you in the morning" she kissed Cheryl on the cheek and headed downstairs. Entering the kitchen, she looked at the mess briefly. She then headed to the fridge, grabbed a bottle of wine and moved to the front room to sit on the sofa. She poured herself a glass and took a few sips. She tried to clear her head, knowing that thinking about what Cheryl was hiding would make her feel worse. She lay her head back and closed her eyes, taking a deep breath. She opened them as she felt the sofa dip next to her,

"I'm sorry" Cheryl whispered. Kimberley sighed,

"Babe you don't need to apologise. You've done nothing wrong. I just don't like us hiding things from each other that's all"

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