New hope

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Hey guys,

This is a new story, hope you like it. It can be I upload a bit late because lots of homework and stuff. Please read my story and comment!



It was twilight when he entered my room, he came to the bed and I cowered into the wall. 

He smirked like he always did and I knew what was going to happen, he grabbed my hair and 

pulled me to him. 

"You're always so scared," he whispered and I could feel his breath on my neck. He came up

to face me and kissed me. He was being gentle at first but I knew he wouldn't be like this for long.

When he stopped kissing me his eyes were black instead for their normal colour, green. Every other 

girl who didn't know the visious man he was would think he's handsome but I knew better. He slapped me 

in the face and did the things he wanted to do with me. I stopped fighting a long time ago, I knew better 

now, fighting only made things worse. He left the room and I fell back onto the bed, my whole body sore.

My name is Hailey Wilson and it had been like this for me from the age of 10, the man I was talking about 

kidnapped me from my home and I never saw my parents again. The man's name is Archer Wynn, a good friend

of my parents, but he wants me to call him master. This afternoon I made a promise to myself, this was the last

time he did this to me, even if it ment my death. I knew he was going out tonight so that's the perfect time to 

escape this place and to go back to my parents. My plan is to leave when he's out of the house for 10 minutes,

I ran back to my parents house and convince them to leave town and to break contact with Archer. For now I felt 

exhausted so I took a nap. 

I woke up from the sound of a door slamming, I looked at my clock and it said 11 pm, Wynn just left. I waited till

11.10 pm. to get out of bed and out of the front door, I looked around and saw that we were just outside the city 

I used to live in. After a few minutes I knew where to go so I started running, not normal running but more like

running for my life. During the running I didn't stop to take a breath because I was to afraid to get caught. The 

run took more than an hour but I finally saw the street I used to live in. I ran to the street and looked around, it 

was completly changed. All the houses were gone, including the one my parents lived in, except for one and it looked

more like a mansion than a house. There were trees behind that house too and those were never there before, I walked

to the mansion to sit on the front steps. All the running took it's weight and I needed to think of a plan for what to

do next, I couldn't stay in this town but I had no money so I couldn't take a bus or something. The thing I could do was

start walking and hope to find another town soon. I was so lost in planning my escape I didn't notice the guy standing 

behind me.

"Excuse me but what are you doing on my front steps?" the guy asked, he startled me and I bolted right up.

"I.... I'm sorry, I'll go. I.. I don't want any trouble," I stuttered, scared that he was going to take me back to


"It's okay, you don't have to leave. What's your name?" the guy asked.

"My name's Hailey, Hailey Wilson,sir," I said with fear in my voice.

"Are you okay Hailey?" he asked.

"Of course, sir. Please I will go, you don't have to talk to me." I started to walk away but he stopped me by grabbing my arm to which I froze.

"Are you scared of me?" he asked.

"It's not you, I can help it. You know nothing about me, please just let me leave before he finds me," I begged.

"Before who finds you?"

"I can't tell you."

"That's okay, I'm Chase, Chace Scott. Would like to come in for something to eat? You look like you're starving," he asked and he was right I was

starving but I was used to it although the thought of eating something made my stomach grumble.

"Come on, let's get you something to eat," he said before he turned around to go back inside and I followed him.

New hopeWhere stories live. Discover now