chapter 12

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You found out you were going to be about an hour late to the party... great. You can't help but feel kind if bad about being late, but you'd be fine.


You were stepping our of your carriage along with Ciel, and our butlers. It seemed completely normal. You walked up to the doors, and opened them.

Everyone turned their heads towards you in amazement.

It. Was. Awkward.

That passed over in like 5 minutes, and Alois came up and basically tackled you.

"Hello F/N!!" He says happily

"Hey Alois" you said

Alois dragged you into the crowd of people, leaving a very confused Ciel, and a Waltz began. At least you could dance.

"Hey F/N?" Alois said, voice breaking

"Yeah Alois?"

"Please don't leave me" he said, on the brink of tears

"I wont, Alois"

"Do you promise?"

You hesitated, "I-I promise"

Alois gave you a cheeky smile, and you both continued dancing.

About an hour later, you were at the food table looking for a small snack.

That was when a hand grabbed you and pulled you out onto the dance floor. You were slightly annoyed, this random guy just manhandled you and dragged you onto the dance floor. You looked up and realized that it was...him. Brendon.

Brendon, the one who cheated on you, and basically tried to kill you. Considering the fact that you could actually defend yourself, you retaliated against him and got away.

"Hello beautiful"

"Do.Not. try anything on me Brendon." You said, pushing away from him.

He just grabbed you again.

You were about to lose your temper in front of all of these people.

"Let. Go. Of. Me... right now..." you said, calmly

"And what if I don't?!"

That's it. My temper is lost. Long gone.

You grabbed his arm, tripped him, flipped him, and kicked him down to the ground. Everyone saw. Noone cared, except Ciel and the others.

Alois and Ciel came over to you.

"That was pretty sweet F/N" Ciel said

" Pretty sweet?! That was awesome!!!" Alois said

Brendon was getting up off the ground, angrily.

"I'll get you back for that, F/N" he said, storming off

After the party, you said your goodbyes to Alois and Claude. You and Ciel climbed into the carriage, along with your butlers.

"Hey F/N, who was that guy?" Ciel asked

"He's my ex. It's a long story."

"Okay, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to"

"Maybe I'll tell you someday, just not now." You said, smiling

When you arrived back at the Phantomhive manor, you decided you would actually try to get some sleep.

"Goodnight F/N" Ciel said

"Goodnight Ciel"

You had Symphony come up and get you ready for bed.

You laid down thinking about everything that happened so far.

Wow. This is one of the weirdest cases I've ever worked on, and that's saying a lot.


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