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All through the night at the office we stay. There is no way out until the police help dug us out. The building isn't in bad shape. It actually hold up much better then Hotch thought it would. Throughout the night, we heard whimpers here and there.

I can't believe I couldn't shut him down mentally. Now the street is probably a wreck because of me.

Reid is here and was comforting me throughout the night. Nobody could go to sleep last night. Yesterday was like a terrorist attack. I know it wasn't because he was trying to blow me up. Hotch tried interrogating the female, but she just kept saying the same thing.

"She'll be gone forever. You'll never see her again." She repeats again. I just roll my eyes and cuddle closer to Spencer.

Running footsteps echo through the fire escape stairwell. It catches everyone's attention. A firefighter runs up.

"They're up here!" He yells back down the flight. "You are free to go. The building will start being repair in an hour."

Hotch nods and we all stand up. We start to walk downstairs, still silent.

-------- Dr. Reid; Time is still unknown

We haven't talk since yesterday. Carrie walks in front of me. She notice a ray of sunlight and she quickly runs down the stairs.

"Carrie, wait!" I try to hold her back but she doesn't listen. I follow her at her speed. We run down the hallway at the shatter doors. I look over at Carries face.

It's morning. Smeared dust and dirt covers everyone faces. We crawl through the shattered doors and look at the path of the destruction. Morgan and Garcia crawls through next and stands beside us.

Morgan pats my shoulder. He walks towards the back of the building where he parks his car.

"Come on. Let's go home." I say looking at her.

She looks up at me and smiles. She nods and we start to walk towards the back. We get in the truck and pull away from the destruction.


I pull into my driveway. The last place she's want to go is her own home that might be raiding with caution. We both get out of the car and walk up to the house.

As we walk in, she sits down on the couch and I walk into the kitchen. I turn the coffee pot on and the tv turns on in the living room. After a couple of minutes, it is still silent. I bring two cups of coffee to the living room.

I hand her one and smile. "Thanks." She say as she grabs it.

I sit next to her. She gets closer and lays her head on my chest. "Thank you." I hear her. I look down at her.

"For what?" I ask.

"For being you."

"Aw Thanks. I don't know how to be anyone else."

I hear her chuckle as we sit there and watch tv.

--------------- Doctor Chase; Time: 3:56pm

Justice before Blood  ~ A Criminal Minds FanFiction Series ~ COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now