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------------- Doctor Reid; 3:46pm

I quickly stand up and pull her into a strong embrace. She turns and hugs me back; starting to cry. I turn towards the group and shake my head 'no'. It's undoubtedly not a subject to be talked about.

Rossi points at me. "Do you know?" He mouths.

I nod as I rub her head. "Address, Garcia?" Hotch asks.

"Oh yeah! 231 Grand Rd."


She nods and walks out. The door shuts behind her and Carrie soon pulls away. Her eyes are pink as she wipes her face. She looks at me and gives delicate smile. She partially turns towards the group.

"When are we leaving to go to confront him?" She ask.

"In ten minutes, you shouldn't-"

"I'm going! I rather face him then run from him."

She turns and leaves the room. "We leave in 10 minutes." Hotch says.

Everyone stands up and immediately run out of the room. I follow out and try to find Carrie. So did everyone else. I got away from the crowd and run towards her office. Not here. I turn to look around and she standing there. With her head towards the ground,

"Sometimes- I-I think that no one cares..." She looks up at me. "No one can see through me like you have, Spencer. What did I do to ever deserve the hatred, the abuse?"

What to say. What to say. Um-.

"It's okay. I know you care." She states.

I nod. Before I could say anything, the whole crowd came in and bombard Carrie. I step back into her office with her.

"Are you okay?" JJ ask.

She nods and seems extremely concern or confuse of what the situation is. She grabs my arm and pushes through the group. We made it out of the office and head towards the door.

She continually looks back toward her office.

------------------ 4:04 pm; Doctor Chase

It's extremely quiet in the car. Everyone trying to talk to me all at once is a really good headache. I haven't talk to anyone beside Reid. I certainly didn't want to break the ice just in case anyone in the front ask me if I was okay. I hope he understands the pressure I'm in.

We pull into the driveway of my old home. Old memories start to sick in. Really deep. Anger fills my thoughts and hope they wouldn't take over.

Reid, Rossi, and I get out and head towards the door. Reid knocks on the door as I have a little mini heart attack on the side of the door. Rossi stand besides me as I silently die inside.

As soon as the door open, I could already smell the alcohol reeking from the house.

"Hello, Mr. Chase. We would like to come in?"

"What are you? A sales person?"

"Um- No. Not a sales person. I'm with the FBI."

He pull out his badge. "FBI? You're not serious? You look like a pipe cleaner with eyes! I could snap you like a twig!"

Rossi immediately jumps in. "But then, he isn't alone."

Justice before Blood  ~ A Criminal Minds FanFiction Series ~ COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now