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"I think I'm in love with Dr. Spencer Reid..."

Garcia stands up and screams. She pulls me into a hug.

"I knew it!" Prentiss said, opening the door.

"Knew what?" Reid question. Oh dear Jesus.

"Um- Nothing." Garcia laughs nervously as she walks out. She turns around and gives a thumbs up. I try to signal her to stop but I failed. Reid turns around and Garcia immediately stops and turns around.

"What just happen?"

"I-dunno..." Trying to avoid the just recent subject. I pick up my bag as we exchange glances.

"Right...Anyways, do you wanna clock out and go to dinner with me-thats if you want too, I mean-"

"I'd love too." I smile back. He stops and looks.

"Really?" I laugh and nod in reassurances. That just happened!

"So-Like a date?" I ask.

He starts to blush and it's so adorable. "I guess so.." He laughs. He rubs the back of his neck and starts to blush. Time to tease.

"I didn't know that Dr. Reid blushes!" I laugh.

"Shut up!" He teases back.

I walk out of the room and he follows. He wrap his arm around my waist until we got to the main part of the building.

"So I'll pick you up at Garcia's at 7?"

"You bet. Stop blushing! You are making me blush!" He laughs and turn towards the entrance with Morgan.

I turn and found Garcia with Prentiss.

"You knew about it, didn't you?" I say as I walk up to them.

"Morgan is a big blabber mouth." Prentiss laughs.

"Agreed. And since you know, you guys are helping me!"

"Don't have to tell me twice!" Garcia grabs my wrist and we turn towards the front of the building.

"Don't forget me!" Prentiss catches up.
I finish my braids and the abruptly loud sound of the bathroom door annoys me.

"Carrie, come on!" Garcia begs. "It doesn't take forever!"

I roll my eyes and step back from the mirror. I brush off my dress and stare myself in the mirror.

The door suddenly burst open. Garcia and Prentiss stares at me. I step back from the monster that over come them.

"Oh, my Sugar Cakes is all grown up!"

"Um- I'm 29?"

"Shh! Don't ruin the moment!" Prentiss barks. I roll my eyes.

"It's beyond beautiful. No words can describe this." Garcia continue.

I look at my watch. 6:49pm. I smile and put on my jean jacket over it. It's kind of cold in February.

"Am I overdoing it?"

"Never!" Garcia scoffs.

Justice before Blood  ~ A Criminal Minds FanFiction Series ~ COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now