chapter 4

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"Mom! I'm home!" I yelled throwing my bag on the counter. I looked in the kitchen seeing if she was in there. Where is she? I pulled out my phone calling her.

"Hey honey." She said picking up the phone.

"Hey where are you?" I asked looking in the fridge.

I picked up the milk pouring me a glass of milk, "I'm at Daisy's."

I sighed running my hand through my hair, "Did you pick up Ella already?"

"Ya she's in Mikey's room playing with him."

"OK, bye." I said hanging up. I ran up to my room, opening the door, running to my bed I belly flipped groaning.

"First day did go so well, huh?" I heard a voice yell out from across my window. Damn it mom why did you have to leave my window open?

"What does it look like?"

He chuckled sitting on the window seal, "It looks pretty bad."

I rolled my eyes stuffing my face into my pillow. "I hate school."

"Doesn't everyone?"

I sat up looking over at him, "Alec?"


I looked at my hands playing with my blanket, "what happened? To your eye?" I asked not looking up.

I heard him groan before speaking up again, "Just stay out of it, its none of your concern."

I looked back up to see that he was already staring at me. I felt concerned though. Did I want to admit it? Hell no. I mean over the time I known him I found out that he's a man whore, that he can be a jack ass at times, a little annoying and a little sweet at times.

"I know." I whispered looking back down until I heard a branch breaking, I looked back up seeing that he wasn't there. I sat up more crawling over to the window seal.

"Hey." Alec said as his head popped up.

I backed up letting him come in, "what are you? Spider monkey?"

I heard him chuckle as he ran his hand threw his hair. It looks really soft. "Look I know that your new to the school and all, but there's a party on Friday and well I was wondering if you wanted to go." He said awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck.

I felt a small smile began to form on my lips, "Yeah sure sounds fun."

He looked up surprised, "Really?"

I shook my head yes as he looked some what happy. I laughed tucking a piece of hair behind my ear while looking up at him. He chuckled shaking his head back and forth.


"Nothing its just you have a cute laugh."

I smirked, "Are you flirting with me?"

His eyes widened as he shook his head no, "What? Me? Never."

I patted him on the back slowly, "It's ok." I said in a baby voice.

He started to laugh as I joined him. His laugh was deep but adorable at the same time, Sarah are you flirting with him? No.

"Sooo?" I said breaking the silence causing him to look up from his phone. Typical.

"Are the party's fun here?"

He shrugged his shoulders, "I guess."

I nodded my head laying down as he sat by the window, "Like are there fights?"

"I don't know sometimes."

I smiled, "cool."

I heard him chuckle then felt him lay down next to me, "You're weird" He said looking up at my ceiling.

"And your a man whore."

"Would you stop calling me that already."

I turned my head, looking at him, "But it fits you"

He looked at me, but I noticed he wasn't looking at my eyes but my lips. That's when I felt it. His lips on mine.

My eyes widened, pushing him off, "Get out of my house." I said sitting up.

"Sarah wh-"


He looked at me hurt but then did as I said, he climbed out of my window and soon as he did I quickly closed the window and curtains. I then laid back on my bed covering up my face with my hands.

My heart was still pounding and my face was bright red, "ugh." I groaned rolling over in my bed.

He was so perfect. Why was he so perfect? Why would he kiss me? I mean it's me.

All these questions were running through my head and I knew one thing. I just couldn't fall for him.

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