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"What" I relax back into my chair.
"I'm not psychic and I'm so sorry I only said I did because I didn't know how to tell you about my gift and then you guys were going to arrest me and I freaked out it was the first thing I thought of." Shaen says way to fast with a few cracks in his voice ad if he's going to cry. "Lassie I'm so sorry." He whispers and a tear falls down his cheek. I knew well I was pretty sure but it does hurt he kept it from me for so long but then again I was about to arrest him and I am head detective so if he did tell me before he wasn't then I would have to arrest him for lying to the whole police department. I still should but I'm not going to.
"Okay.." I sigh.
"I.. I can leave? I can just take the bus."
"No no baby I wanna talk this out like grown ass adults."
"Look I never meant to fall for you. That wasn't the plan. There isn't really a plan to be honest. It was suppose to be a one day thing but cheif kept asking us for help and before I knew it half of Santa Barbara was fooled."
"Who knows?"
"Gus and my dad.."
"Well.. I can't really blame you I would've pancicked too if I was about to get arrested for something I didn't do."
"I like you a lot and if I could take it all back... I wouldn't.. I love doing this and I've met some of my best friends and now boyfriend because of a stupid lie and I help so many people be safe." He looks at me with his bright green eyes that are welling up with tears.
"Come here." I lean across and pull him rest the way to my lips. "I'm not going to tell anybody. Not because I'm dating you or anything but because you're right... Without you so many horrible people would be running around."
"Ok." His voice cracks with a nod.
"How do you do it?"
"I have no idea.." Shawn whispers. I chuckle and shake my head.
"Any other huge secret I should know?"
"You're bed is very comfy and I'm in love with it."
"I propose we go get into that bed and stay there until tomorrow."
"This is why I'm dating you." Shawn whispers and kisses me with a smile.
"Its not to get in my good side so you can rob me blind?" I ask as we walk into the building.
"Ooo you got me." He snaps his fingers. We walk up to my apartment and of course the Mrs. Juilian (Her name is Julia Julian. Shawn and I call her the angry old lady next door.) Is out and scoffs at us.
"You're going to hell Carlton" I glance down at Shawn and I's tangled fingers.
"As long as shawn is there Ill gladly go." I walk in and shut my door.
"Wow" shawn laughs.
"To my bed now, Mr Spencer!" I push him to my doorway with a kiss.
"You haven't gotten me back for leaving that." He nods to my hickey.
"It looks like tonight is the night I do. He falls onto the bed and I tackle him with kisses.

Shassie Again.. SorryWhere stories live. Discover now