Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

                “Hi, Brianna.” I was standing by my locker waiting for the bell to ring. I had actually gotten to school early, which was a first. If I showed up to class early, Mr. Welles would have a heart attack. I didn’t want to do that to the poor guy. So I decided I would wait.

                “What?” I spun around. Standing in front of me was Harry. “Why are you talking to me?” I didn’t bother filtering my thoughts. It was my mouth—I had a right to say what I wanted to.

                “I-I just thought um…maybe we could…walk to class together?” He pulled on his shirt collar. His glasses started fogging up. He was nervous.

                “Never in your wildest dreams.” I took my phone out of my jean jacket pocket. The bell was going to ring in a minute. That meant Harry would go and I could walk slowly down the hall.

                “Oh. Um…okay then…” He started walking down the hall with a slouch. I brushed my bangs out of my eyes. I really needed a haircut.

                I looked up and down the hallway. There was no one around, so I opened my locker. I pulled my jean jacket off and put on the black leather one I kept in there. My mum didn’t approve of leather, except for my boots. She didn’t approve of a lot of things I did or said.

                Math class had already started when I arrived to the classroom. As always, I opened the door as loud as possible. Mr. Welles glanced over at me and sighed. He put the chalk down. I could feel everyone’s eyes on me.

                “Ms. Hudson,” Mr. Welles said. He crossed his arms. “It’s nice to see you cared enough to join us.” He held his hand out. “Tardy slip?”

                “Sorry, gramps,” I said. “I don’t have one today.” I blew a bubble with my gum. I was about to walk to my seat, but I felt a hand grab my shoulder. I turned around.

                “Gramps?” Mr. Welles scoffed. I just kept chewing my gum. “What does that mean?” I knew he knew what it meant. He just wanted to humiliate me.

                “You’re an old guy.” I started walking again, but he stopped me. “You know, you could get through class a lot faster if you stopped talking to me.”

                “And you could get more guys if you toned down the raccoon look.” He seriously said that to me? There were snickers from the class. I popped a bubble in his face and went to my seat. Harry was just staring at me.

                “What?” I said. I put my feet on the desk and took out my phone. Mr. Welles slapped a detention slip down on my desk.

                “Mum, I’m home!” I threw my backpack on the ground and kicked off my boots. As always I went to the kitchen to find food. Before I opened the fridge, I noticed a note on the door:


Went to the store. Be back at 6.


                So I was home alone. I grabbed an apple out of the bowl of fruit in the fridge. I went down to the basement and plopped on the couch. I turned on the TV. I was in the middle of watching Mad Men reruns when the phone rang. I got up and answered it.

                “Hudson residence,” I said. One of my dad’s wishes before he passed was for the family to answer the phone like that, so we did.

                “Hi, this is Harry Styles. Is Brianna there?” I felt like he was stalking me.

                “This is her. What do you want?” I was getting fed up with this boy.

                “Well, some of my friends are at my house right now and were wondering if they could come with me to…tutor you.”

                “Your friends?” More nerds. Great.

                “Yea. They’ll be quiet. Don’t worry.”

                “Oh, um…yea, that’s fine, I guess.” We said goodbye and I hung up. I rolled my eyes. More nerds is just what I needed. 

The Tutor: A Harry Styles/One Direction Fan FictionOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora