The Protective Eye

Start from the beginning

I sat there silent for a moment, thinking of what I've just learnt.

The eye was the reason that I heard a voice in my head. I remember that I had read about them long ago, but they were usually placed on your head, under your hair. This was so that the person placing it on you would be able to read your thoughts, memories and see what you're seeing. But for that to happen it must be close to the brain.

"Sir, why did it end up on my shoulder?"

"We don't know. That can happen on a few rare creatures, but that also affects its power. The only thing we can see with it is if you're alive or not. But you will be able to use its power as normally."

"I understand, sir."

"Was there something else?"

"There was one more thing. The Phoenix, he was attacked", I told him.

"By whom?"

"He implied that it was the Antichrist", I said.

Once again there was a silence. I didn't know what to say or do; I just sat there, waiting for a response.

"I see", my boss answered, surprisingly calm. "You don't need to think about that."

"Sir! I-"

"You have bigger things to focus on!" He exclaimed, raising his voice in anger.

"Yes sir."

"I want you to listen Angel. Focus on The Phoenix, only him. Then we can speak about these other things", he said, calming down.

"Yes sir."

"Now, was there anything else?"

"No sir."

"Then let us end the conversation here. Goodbye Angel."

"Goodbye sir."

I felt a strong wind before I opened my eyes again. The candles were once again blown out and I was surrounded in the darkness of the room, before my eyes adjusted to the dark.

I stood up, and left the room, closing the bookshelf behind me.

I walked over to the mirror, turning my back against it before I pulled my right sleeve down to look at the closed eye. It was a big eye, maybe as big as a fist. I put my fingers on it and realised that it felt a bit warmer than the rest of my body.

As I removed my hand, the eye opened and looked at me through the mirror, blinking a few times. I stared back at it. Think of the eye as a companion, it will follow you everywhere, and help you if you end up in trouble.

"So you're supposed to help me?" I asked out loud.

Yes, I am indeed supposed to help you through your journey.

"Aren't you afraid that you might die?"

I cannot die; I can only fall back to the underworld. You on the other hand need all the help you can get.

I felt slightly insulted, but decided to ignored it.

"Are you just going to sit on my shoulder?"

I intend to, yes.

"I've heard a bit of the eyes. Aren't they usually animals?" I asked.

They can indeed be animals. But that is usually if the owner has the mark in the face, and they need to hide it. When the animal is created, the mark disappears.

"Why an animal?" I asked, with my curiosity growing.

We are originally animals on earth before we die.

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